December 4, 2023

Prophets of The Restoration

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The prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were each prepared for a specific purpose and time of the world. Each prophet brought the direction needed for the time, for the exact problems the world was facing at the time. Although, none of these men were perfect, each one was called by God to fulfill a special mission, and help the Church and the world progress. Learning about these wonderful men, and their life story can give each insight in the direction God plan and purpose for His children.

Joseph Smith, the first prophet of the restoration saw God and Jesus Christ at the young age of 14, starting the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to the Earth. There is much written about Joseph Smith, and he did "more for the world save Jesus Christ". Learning about the life and legacy of the Prophet Joseph Smith can strengthen your testimony of a God that loves each person, and the purpose of all in this world. This post is a collection of stories and locations from the life of Joseph Smith, the first prophet of the restoration. Joseph Smith, the Prophet

The Prophet Brigham Young with Sites and Stories was a powerful leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, starting from the very beginning of the restoration. Brigham Young was called of God because of his special ability to strengthen and build. When the prophet Joseph Smith died, the Church was left to figure out a lot of important processes, that were not previously laid out for the Saints. God showed the Saints that Brigham Young was meant to be the next prophet, and it was learned how slowly they learned how the presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was meant to be. Brigham Young was the perfect person to lead The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at that time after the death of Joseph Smith. The Lord needed "the Lion of the Lord", as Brigham was justly nicknamed, because of the trials heaped on the Saints. Many loved Brother Brigham, and many did not love Brigham, but love him or hate him, he did an amazing job building cities, communities, all while dedicating all to the Lord.

Prophet John Taylor, the third Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was prophet during very difficult times of the Church, and spent his last couple years in hiding, because of Polygamy. John Taylor is most known for being in Carthage Jail with the Prophet Joseph Smith when Joseph was murdered. John Taylor went on multiple missions, and helped further the work of the Lord. John Taylor lived a life in service to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Prophet Wilford Woodruff worked closely with the Prophet Joseph Smith, served many missions, crossed the plaines, and wrote it all down. Wilford Woodruff is one of the best record keepers of Latter-day Saint history. Here is a collection of sites and stories of the Prophet Wilford Woodruff: Wilford Woodruff A Collection of Sites and Stories

Learn about Prophet Lorenzo Snow's life and legacy. He knew the prophet Joseph Smith, and saw the building of Salt Lake City. The Church was in a difficult situation because of polygamy and the federal government, and this all came to a head under the prophet Lorenzo Snow. Read about his life and legacy here: Lorenzo Snow Collection of Sites and Stories

Joseph F. Smith was the nephew of Joseph Smith, the first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph F. Smith's whole was part of the History of The Church. From the day Joseph F. Smith was born until the day that he passed away, Joseph F. Smith whole life revolved around The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read more about the life of Joseph F. Smith here: Joseph F. Smith Collection with Sites and Stories

Heber J. Grant was the seventh prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Heber had many extraordinary events that helped strengthen his testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Heber was tentative at first when he received callings and he grew in his firmness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more about the prophet Heber J. Grant, click here: Heber J. Grant Sites and Stories

The eighth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was prophet George Albert Smith. He was the first prophet to have never met the Prophet Joseph Smith, but had a firm testimoney of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more about the prophet George Albert Smith click here: Prophet George Albert Smith, Sites and Stories

The ninth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is President David O. McKay. President David O. MacKay was a very loved prophet to learn more about the prophet David O. McKay click the link here: David O. McKay A Collection of Sites, Stories and Information

Joseph Fielding Smith is the 10th Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To learn about the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith and stories about his life click the link: Joseph Fielding Smith Collection of Stories and Sites

Harold B. Lee a Collection of Sites and Stories: for life and information on the Prophet Harold B. Lee, the eleventh prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Spencer W. Kimball, Collection of Sites and Stories

Ezra Taft Benson

Howard W. Hunter a Collection of Sites and Stories. Find out more about the Prophet Howard W. Hunter from the link above.

Gordon B. Hinckley A Collection of Sites and Stories

President Thomas S. Monson

10 Facts about President Russell M. Nelson

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