General Information on Lorenzo Snow
The fifth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was prophet Lorenzo Snow. Learn facts and bits of information from this post Get to know the Prophet Lorenzo Snow. Lorenzo served multiple missions, with much success. Almost died on the way to Hawaii when his boat capsized, and was pivotal in getting the Church out of debt. Lorenzo had a very full life.
Life of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow’s Birthplace marker Mantua Ohio The birthplace home of Lorenzo Snow still exists in Mantua Ohio. Not owned by the Church, but a fun Church History marker is available today.
Before, Lorenzo Snow became prophet he was asked to help with the planning of a funeral of a young girl in the Brigham City area. When Lorenzo went to see the girl who had just passed away, he asked from some consecrated oil and administered to this young girl. Instead of planning the funeral he called the girl back from the dead, this is her story: Lorenzo Snow Raising a Girl from the Dead!
Before Lorenzo Snow became prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints he was very nervous of the responsibilities that were ahead. Lorenzo prayed, in the Salt Lake Temple, on how to proceed. Here is the story of Lorenzo Snow getting the most powerful answer to his sincere prayer: Lorenzo Snow Seeing Christ in the Salt Lake Temple
Lorenzo Snow as Prophet
Lorenzo Snow was only prophet for about three years but during this couple years, Lorenzo Snow made powerful changes that helped the Church through incredibly difficult financial times. Lorenzo was a very humble man, always looking to the Lord on how to proceed with issues he faced. This article is about a movie called "The Windows of Heaven" done to teach about the miracles of rain and paying tithing. Lorenzo taught the members of the Church about the importance of paying tithing, and the windows of heaven were opened to the Saints read this story here: Windows of Heaven, Tithing with Lorenzo Snow
Family of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow's sister, Eliza R. Snow was also a very important person in Church History. Eliza was involved in much of the Churches History, read more about Eliza here: Who is Eliza R. Snow?