There are often complaints about not hearing the stories of women, and too much focus on mens contribution throughout time. This is only a valid complaint, if each woman, today, is willing to learn and listen to the stories of women from the past and share them!
These women throughout the early years of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were strong, independent, intelligent and willing to commit their lives to the Lord. Their stories are powerful, and studying their stories opens up a different world.
If you want more stories on women, read them, learn from them, and teach them to the rest of the world. These stories are powerful!
Palmyra Years
Lucy Mack Smith Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was a great influence on her family and the people around her. A favorite story of Lucy is when she was taking the Saints to Kirtland, and asked God for help when the group was struggling. It is an amazing story! Lucy Mack Smith’s bringing Saints to Kirtland Miracle
Emma Hale Smith. Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, had extreme trails in her life, but she was stalwart and steady through it all. The Lord called her an 'Elect Lady' and she fit that name throughout her life. One of the best Emma stories is her being the missing piece for Joseph to receive the Gold Plates,Joseph Smith finding the “Right Person” to obtain the Gold Plates.
Kathrine Smith, Emma Smith, Lucy Mack Smith and Mary Whitmer all had experiences with the gold plates. Mary Whitmer's experience involved actually seeing the plates! All these stories of women's experiences are not shared often, but they are witnesses to the divine mission of Joseph Smith. Women Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
Kirtland Years
Mary Fielding Smith, Collection of Sites and Stories. Mary Fielding Smith married Hyrum Smith after the death of Hyrum's first wife. Many of the stories of Mary Fielding came from her son Joseph F. when he later became prophet of the Church. Her life and stories are powerful! Her faith brought her family through the most difficult of times. It is hard to pick just one story of Mary Fielding, her life is FULL of amazing stories but one of the best stories of Mary Fielding is healing the ox while crossing the plains(here) or when she beat the Captain of the company to Utah when he wouldn't help her cross the plains(here), she is seriously AMAZING!
Who is Eliza R. Snow? Here are some facts to help you get to know Eliza R. Snow.
Elizabeth Ann Whitney’s Vision. This vision by Elizabeth Ann Whitney is so powerful! Her contribution to the work of the restored gospel is remarkable!
Mary Noble Impressions of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Mary Noble recorded the countenance change of the Prophet Joseph Smith. This story is worth the read!
Missouri Years
Emmeline B. Wells, and Emmeline B. Wells Seeing the Savior
Eunice McRae Pioneer Women while her husband with in Liberty Jail with the Prophet Joseph Smith, Eunice faced the mob men, ready to attack.
Hanna Last Cornaby. Hanna Last Cornaby wrote the song "Whose on the Lord Side, Who?" She went through incredibly hard times and stayed strong and faithful throughout her life, she is inspiring!
Pioneer woman, Laura Clark Phelps-Helping her Husband escape from Missouri Jail. This story is so good! Laura Clark Phelps was guided by the spirit to know how to help her husband and other leaders of the Church escape from mob imprisonment, so good!
Get to know Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner. Mary Elizabeth Lightner played a large role in early Church History, read some fun facts about her from the link above.
Missouri Mob and Amanda Barnes Smith Prayer. Amanda Barnes story is one of THE most amazing miracles from the Missouri time. Her faith and help from Heavenly Father helped her know how to heal her son.
Amanda Barnes Smith Haun’s Mill Massacre Miracle
Nauvoo Years
Jennetta Richards Grave, Nauvoo Sites Jenetta Richards is so amazing, she did not live long here on Earth, but her faith has influenced generations!
Womens Garden. The Women's Garden in Nauvoo is a beautiful reminder of the influence of good women. The thought process on how to create this garden is wonderful, here is the story!
Martha Hughs Cannon, First Woman State Senator learn about the First Utah United States Senator.