November 18, 2023

Lucy Mack Smith, A Collection of Sites and Stories

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Lucy Mack Smith is one of the most well known women in the History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Lucy Mack Smith was there for some of the biggest manifestations and miracles this world has ever seen. Lucy defended and guided her family through life's hardships and lived to write a book about it all. Lucy Mack Smith was a strong, determined women who left a legacy of determination and faith.

General information on Lucy Mack Smith

Get to know Lucy Mack Smith, this blog post contains general information on Lucy Mack Smith, her life and her legacy. To learn about Lucy Mack Smith this blog post is a great place to start!

Lucy Mack Smith stories of Palmyra

Lucy Mack Smith raised her family in Palmyra New York, where her son, Joseph Smith received a powerful manifestation from Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, commonly known as "The First Vision."

Lucy Mack Smith believed fiercely in what her son Joseph Smith taught, she was one of the first witnesses to the miracles of The Book of Mormon and so much more. Here is a blog post on Lucy's experience with The Book of Mormon: Women Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

Lucy Mack Smith Kirtland Ohio

When moving to Kirtland Ohio, Lucy was in charge of a group of Latter-day Saints migrating to Kirtland together. Lucy took charge of the group and when problems arose she was the one to gather the group and plead to her Father in Heaven for help, and help came. You can read this story here: Lucy Mack Smith’s bringing Saints to Kirtland Miracle

Lucy Mack Smith in Nauvoo Illinois

In Nauvoo Illinois there are many sites that Lucy Mack Smith was a part of at the end of her life Lucy lived in this cute home restored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can read more about it here: Lucy Mack Smith’s Home, Nauvoo Illinois. For a full lis of sites in Nauvoo, you can find them here: Things to do in Nauvoo Illinois. Lucy is buried in the Smith family cemetery, and she lived in the Smith family homestead.

More on Lucy Mack Smith

A very amazing connection to Lucy Mack Smith is the Detroit Michigan Temple has its roots in Church History, and Lucy Mack Smith. Lucy's brother lived in Detroit Michigan in the area the Detroit Michigan Temple is now built, you can read more on the blog post here: Lucy Mack Smith connection to the Detroit Michigan Temple.

At the end of Lucy Mack Smith's life, she sat down and recorded her memories of the Smith family early life. It is all saved in a book called "Joseph Smith History told by his mother" and is one of the best books on Joseph Smith, you can find out more information on this blog post: 5 of the Best Books on the Prophet Joseph Smith

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