January 9, 2023

Women Witnesses of the Book of Mormon

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The accounts of the coming forth of The Book of Mormon are some of the most amazing stories in the history of the world. That this precious book was preserved for thousands of years to come forth when the time is right, and the world would be ready to accept it, is very exciting! It is wonderful that the Lord delivered this book to Joseph Smith and he was able to translate it through the gifts and power of God. It was a heavy weight to bare that Joseph was instructed not to show the book to anyone, and when God told Joseph that he was allowed to show three witnesses the plates, it would have been a great relief. The story of the three and eight witnesses are powerful demonstrations of the love of God for His children. A side story to these witnesses is that there are female witnesses to The Book of Mormon, the accounts of these women. These stories may not be as prominent but these women also bore testimony of events that show God loves His daughters and their voices matter. Sometimes the stories that are not as big, get overlooked but still matter!

Katherine Smith Salisbury

Katherine Smith Salisbury, the younger sister of the prophet Joseph Smith is a witness of The Book of Mormon. Katherine was 17 years old when her brother Joseph received the Golden Plates from the Hill Cumorah. Katherine never saw the plates with her own eyes, they were always covered, but she was able to heft the plates.

Here is what happened in her words:

”I was at home when my brother Joseph burst through the door out of breath and nearly exhausted and threw himself on the couch. He was clutching the package with the gold plates against his side with his left hand. And his right hand was badly bruised. Joseph told me that three men had leapt out at him from behind a fence. He hurt his hand striking one of them to get away. Then he ran with the plates until he was out of breath.

I looked after Joseph until he was breathing properly again. And I examined his injured hand and treated the bruises on his knuckle. I never saw the plates because the angel had forbidden Joseph to show them at that time. But I did heft the package to set it on the table and it was very heavy.”

Emma Smith

Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith and is another witness to The Book of Mormon. Emma went with Joseph to the Hill Cumorah when he received The Plates. Emma acted as a scribe to her husband while the translations occurred. Emma had many amazing experiences in the early days of the Restoration.

This is a record given by Emma on her experience with The Book of Mormon when she was 25 years old:

”Oliver Cowdery and my husband Joseph wrote in the same room where I was at work. The plates often lay on a table wrapped in a small linen tablecloth that I had given him.

I once felt the plates as they lay there. I traced their outline and shape. They seemed pliable, like thick paper, and would rustle with a metallic sound as my thumb touched the edges. I did not attempt to uncover them or handle them. I was satisfied that this was the work of God, and therefore did not feel it necessary.

My husband could neither write nor dictate a coherent letter, let alone dictate a book like the Book of Mormon. And though I was present and an active participant in the translation of the plates, it was marvelous to me-a marvel and a wonder to me as much as to anyone else.”

Mary Musselman Whitmer

The Whitmer family took Joseph and Emma into their home while Joseph was translating the Book of Mormon. Mary Whitmer was given a special witness to The Book of Mormon when she was show the plates from an angel.

Here is her account as a witness of The Book of Mormon:

“That summer, Joseph, Emma, and Oliver were all living under our roof while they worked to translate the gold plates. Having six members of my own family to care for plus these new visitors created a lot of extra work for me, almost more than I could bear.

One night after working all day, I went out to the barn to milk the cows. There I met a stranger. He had something on his back that looked like a knapsack. At first I was a little afraid, but then he spoke in a kind and friendly voice that put me right at ease. The man talked about the nature of the work that was going on in my house, and it filled me with such inexpressible joy and satisfaction.

He unwrapped the knapsack and showed me a bundle of plates. He turned each of the golden leaves one-by-one and showed me the engravings written upon them. Then he told me to suffer my burdens for just a little while longer and that I would be blessed if I just stood faithful to the end.

Then the stranger disappeared suddenly, and I could not tell where he had gone. From that moment my burdens became lighter, and I had no more desire to murmur or complain.”


“Pioneer” The national society of the sons ofUtah Pioneers “The Heavens are opened” Exhibit at the Church History Museum 2016 Volume 63 Numbers 2,3,4

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