November 8, 2023

Emma Smith, the Wife of the Prophet Joseph, a Collection of Sites and Stories

This map below was created to help find other Church Sites and Articles. Each point will have articles in the description about that point

(below the map is the rest of the article)

General Information on Emma Smith

Looking for general information and facts about Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith? This blog post is a great resource for general facts and information on the Get to know Emma Hale Smith.

Stories of the Early Life of Emma Smith

Most members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have heard the accounts of the Prophet Joseph Smith obtaining the golden plates from the Hill Cumorah, but man people do not know that Joseph was told her needed to bring "the right person" with him to the hill before he was allowed to receive the Plates. After many months and even years of soul searching the prophet found Emma Hale to be the person he felt the Lord wanted him to bring to get the plates. The Lord has never left women out of the stories, that is what people do. Here is the blog post on Emma Hale being the "right person" to accompany Joseph on this world altering event: Joseph Smith finding the “Right Person” to obtain the Gold Plates

Emma Smith's Sites and Locations

Harmony Pennsylvania

South Bainbridge New York, where Emma and Joseph got married. (Read more about their meeting and marriage here).

Palmyra New York. Where the young couple lived after they first got married.

Kirtland Sites

Missouri Sites

Nauvoo Sites

Books of Emma Smith

Best Books on Emma Smith. As with most people from Church History it is hard to sift through the muck and get truthful, uplifting books which is a great challenge. In this blog post have have listed some of the best books that I have, personally, found to be uplifting and understanding to the past. Emma Smith did much for this world, especially for women and remembering her with kindness and respect is important. Emma left women of this world and specifically women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints some of the greatest guidance on how to grow through hardships.

Emma Smith's Life

Marriage of Joseph Smith to Emma Hale. This blog post gives some insight on how the young Joseph Smith met and married Emma Hale. It was not easy for the young couple, with Emma's father being against the marriage. Click the link to learn more.

With the new Hymn book coming out soon for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is interesting to learn the history of how the first Hymn Book was created. The Lord was revealing to Joseph Smith how the world will be different using the talents of both men and women, and it was struggle for people to accept, Emma was a great trailblazer and she did what the Lord asked of her. Here is the blog post on Emma and the first Hymn book: History of Emma Smith’s Hymn Book

One of the extreme hardships for Emma and Joseph Smith was not being able to keep their children they wanted so badly. Emma had many miscarriages and even when she would carry babies to full term many would not live long. Here is the story of Emma and Joseph's twins born in Kirtland. Joseph and Emma’s Twins in Kirtland Ohio

Emma Smith, was constantly having to move to new places, and be dependent on the kindness of others for shelter. Joseph Smith was working to build the church, missionary work, and the Kingdom of God on Earth and supporting his family at the same time was very hard. Emma Smith was put in hard situation because of this. Here is a blog post on Emma in Kirtland. Emma Smith Homeless in Kirtland

Stories of Emma Smith after Joseph Smith's death

Emma Smith's Legacy of Kindness in Nauvoo IllinoisThis account of Emma Hales Smith is a sweet reminder that the Lord gives each person talents to bless the world. Emma Smith was the perfect person to be the wife of the Prophet of the Restoration. He had the willpower and the temperament to withstand the trials sent her way. Emma Smith answered the call of the Lord and helped those around her. Emmas left a legacy of kindness and goodness in this world of hardships.

Emma Smith Interview on the Authenticity of The Book of Mormon. Years after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Emma was interviewed on the authenticity of The Book of Mormon. This interview is her account on what she, personally, experienced while she was and eye witness to the coming forth of The Book of Mormon. Emma had to go through much scrutiny in her life, and the years without Joseph with her, it would have been difficult to continue to defend the truthfulness of what she witnessed. Emma was the perfect person to be in this situation, to continue to be so strong and defend what she saw and heard from her husband, the Prophet Joseph Smith.

When Joseph F. Smith Saw Emma again. Years after the Saints left Nauvoo, Joseph F. Smith returned and visited his aunt Emma Smith.

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