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Laie Hawaii Temple Fun Facts

The Laie Hawaii Temple land was dedicated June 1915, announced October 1915, ground breaking February 1916, and dedication November 1919 by Heber J. Grant. In 1900 George Q. Cannon, a member of the first presidency, visited Hawaii for the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Hawaii Mission and promised the Saints, if they are […]

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Fresno California Temple

The Fresno California Temple was the fourth temple built in the state of California and the first built in the Central Valley of California. The Fresno California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was announced by President Gordon B. Hinckley in 1999, but plans for the temple originated in 1997 when […]

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Jordan River Utah Temple Information

-The Jordan River Temple is the 20th operating Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It’s the seventh temple built in Utah and it was dedicated in November of 1981. -The land of the Jordan River Temple was donated by a family that had owned the land for nearly one hundred years! […]

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Halifax Nova Scotia Temple

-Halifax Nova Scotia Temple is the 64th dedicated Temple in operation. -The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was first organized in Nova Scotia area in 1843. Because of the commitment of the members in that area Halifax and Dartmouth there are generations of Saints in that region. -Before the Nova Scotia Temple was […]

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Payson Utah Temple

-The Payson Utah Temple is the 146th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. -The Payson Temple is the 15th temple in Utah, and the third temple built in Utah county. (The Provo Temple and the Mount Timpanogos temple) -Payson is known for their apple orchards and wheat, both of which […]

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The Provo Utah Temple

-The Provo Temple is the 15th dedicated temple in operation. The Provo Temple is scheduled to close following the dedication of the Orem Utah Temple. A new Provo Temple will be built in it’s place. - For 75 years the Logan, Manti and Salt Lake Temples were the only operating temples in Northern Utah and […]

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Architecture and Design of the Snowflake Arizona Temple

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JpyKZ8OYQIb To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/r1jsoB3xr68 The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the ”sister temple” to the Winter Quarters Temple in Nebraska. Both temples are built on a hill, with the lower level partially set into the hill. There was sixteen feet removed from the […]

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Stained-Glass Windows of the Snowflake Arizona Temple

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/mky14x6SQIb To watch on Youtube click here: One of the best things about studying the different temples is that each temple has their own character. Even though there similar layouts in some, or the same architect, each temple has their own uniqueness that is fun to […]

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Snowflake Arizona Temple Fun Facts

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/3Q4g6jCWQIb To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/L6glvCpoU-w -The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the second temple built in Arizona. The first temple in Arizona is the Mesa Temple, built in 1927. -The Snowflake Arizona Temple is 18,621 square feet. -The Snowflake Arizona Temple was dedicated by […]

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Meridian Idaho Temple

-The Meridian Idaho Temple was announced 2 April 2011 and was dedicated on November 19, 2017 by Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Meridian Idaho Temple is the fifth temple in Idaho. The Idaho temple’s in order are: Idaho Falls(1945), Boise Idaho Temple(1984), Rexburg Idaho Temple(2008), and the Twin Falls Idaho Temple(2008). - The Meridian Temple was […]

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