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-The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the second temple built in Arizona. The first temple in Arizona is the Mesa Temple, built in 1927.
-The Snowflake Arizona Temple is 18,621 square feet.
-The Snowflake Arizona Temple was dedicated by Gordon B. Hinckley on March 3, 2002.
-The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the ’sister temple’ to the Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple. Both Temples sit on a hill, and the lower level is partially set into the hill.
-In February of 1880 Wilford Woodruff, the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, prophesied that there would be a temple in Snowflake, Arizona.
-Beautiful stained-glass windows that were once in a Catholic Church in Boston are now in the Snowflake Arizona Temple.
-The Snowflake Arizona Temple sits on top of a knoll. Approximately sixteen feet had to be removed from the top of the knoll to accommodate the Snowflake Arizona Temple.
-The water feature in front of the temple is made from the rocks that were excavated from the hill where the temple sits.
-The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the first of it’s kind to feature a dome ceiling in the celestial room.
-A console cabinet is on display featuring a peach tree branch design on the doors. Jacob Hamblin, an early pioneer and missionary, traded goods with Native Americans for peach pits, which he planted to grow peach trees. A print depicting Jacob Hamblin meeting with Native Americans on horseback hangs in the Snowflake Arizona temple.
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