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One of the best things about studying the different temples is that each temple has their own character. Even though there similar layouts in some, or the same architect, each temple has their own uniqueness that is fun to study and learn about.
One of the stories of the Snowflake Arizona Temple that is fascinating is how the Snowflake Arizona Temple obtained the beautiful, stained-glass windows.
The stained-glass windows are a beautiful three colored three-paneled window that depicts Christ instructing a circle of Children and Adults.

This piece of art was once in a Catholic Church in Boston. It was discovered in an auction house and purchased by the Deseret Foundation and then donated to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
After the purchase the stained-glass panels were cleaned and restored. This stained-glass window is used inside the temple with lights to illuminate the glass.
Beautiful artwork is in each temple throughout the world, and the Snowflake Arizona Temple has this three panel piece of art. Knowing this artwork has been found, repurposed and is adorning one of Gods Temples here on Earth make a heart happy.
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”Temples of the New Millennium.” by Chad Hawkins pg 218