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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

Make every trip a "Chruch history trip".
Stephen A. Douglass and Joseph Smith Prophesy

Stephen A. Douglass and Joseph Smith Prophecy Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LDS

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The Big Field, Nauvoo Illinois

The Big Field Nauvoo Illinois gathered to feed the poor Church History, Nauvoo History LDS

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Rebuilt Edward and Ann Hunter Home

Edward Hunter Home Nauvoo Illinois of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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Early Life of Edward Hunter, Pennsylvania Church History

Edward Hunter let missionaries use his school when the first members were converted in Pennsylvania The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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Learn about the Nauvoo House

Nauvoo House started by Joseph Smith but finished by Emma Smiths next husband Lewis Bidamon LDS

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Joseph Smith's Brick Stable Site

Joseph Smith Brick Stable Site in Nauvoo Illinois LDS

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The Nauvoo Pageant

The Nauvoo Pageant is a wonderful production done by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints during the month of July. The Pageant has been closed for the last couple years and this was the first year, 2023 that it started back up, and it was wonderful! It runs through the month of July […]

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Attending the Nauvoo Temple, Know before you go

One of the most memorable experiences for my family was the opportunity to go to the Nauvoo Temple. They all said there is nothing like this building in the whole world. There is such a special feeling inside with everything connected to the Nauvoo Time period, it was a very special experience for everyone. It […]

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The British Pageant in Nauvoo Illinois

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints put on The British Pageant in two different location in the world. One British Pageant is done in England and the other is done in Nauvoo, Illinois. The British Pageant done in Nauvoo at the same location and stage as the Nauvoo Pageant, on different nights. The […]

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Joseph Smith Property Tours in Nauvoo, Illinois

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has done a beautiful job restoring and continuing to restore the city of Nauvoo. The feeling in Nauvoo is sacred, and a wholesome place for your family. There are buildings preserved in Nauvoo that you read about all through Church History classes and in the Doctrine and […]

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