October 15, 2023

Old Pioneer Cemetery, Nauvoo Illinois

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The Old Pioneer Cemetery was acquired by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1989. When the Church acquired the cemetery they cleaned it and rededicated it on October 7, 1989.

The Old Pioneer Cemetery is located on William Marks Farm. It is two miles east of State 96 on Parleys Street, south of the road about 100 yards.

The markers in the cemetery are in poor condition but some are decipherable.

Most of the Latter-day Saints who died during the Nauvoo Era are buried in this cemetery. Bishop Edward Partridge is buried here along with Vinson Knight.

The Cemetery includes a sculpture by Dee Jay Bawden of a family burying a loved one.

There is an account of Joseph Smith's buggy tipping over as he and his party went down the hill towards Casper Creek and the Cemetery. Frederick G. Williams bruised his cheek, but none in the group was seriously hurt.

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"Sacred Places, Ohio and Illinois" by LaMar C. Barrett, Keith W. Perkins and Donald Q. Cannon p 188

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