Map of Church History Sites, Church History people, Prophets, World History and Temples throughout the world.
Map of Church History Sites, Church History people, Prophets, World History and Temples throughout the world.
Stories of women from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Latter-day Saints Prophets stories and information on their lives. Fun stories about each prophet.
Beautiful stories of eye witness accounts of the Savior Jesus Christ for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Lord watches out for His people, and it His had is clearly visible for those looking. The Latter-day Saints were driven from their homes in Missouri, while their beloved prophet and leader was in Liberty Jail. Even after the Missouri years were in the past, the Latter-day Saints still had to build a new […]
To watch on Youtube click here : listen on Spotify click here: In the 1830's, Joseph Smith revealed to the Latter-day Saints that the Lord would return to Missouri. This revelation thrilled the Saints, the excitement was palpable. The Latter-day Saints were commanded to gather to Missouri, and believed that the Lord would come. […]
To listen on Youtube click here: To listen on Spotify click here: Joseph Smith taught by example, and one of the most poignant stories of repentance and forgiveness is the story of William W. Phelps, an early member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. William Phelps was a good friend […]
The Aukland, New Zealand Temple is the second temple in New Zealand and the Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will dedicate the Auckland New Zealand Temple on Sunday, April 13, 2025. The Church was first established on the island nation in the 1850s and has more than 114,000 members today. The […]
To watch on Youtube click here: To listen on Spotify click here: Orson F. Whitney, early member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles had an extraordinary vision when making important decisions in his life. Yeas before Orson was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles he had a vision of the Savior, […]
Watch on Youtube: Listen on Spotify: Lorenzo Snow, the fifth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led a very eventful life after converting to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Lorenzo was baptized at 22 years old, served many missions, crossing the plains with the Pioneers, helped establish towns […]
Jeffery R. Holland said "Believe in Miracles. . . Hope is never lost." When all seems to be lost, the Savior Jesus Christ has given us the assurance that hope is never lost. There are many powerful stories of miracles throughout Church History, and this story of Wilford Woodruff and his wife Phoebe is one […]
Alexander Doniphan lawyer who defended the Saints and Joseph Smith. Church History stories LDS
Joseph Smith leg operation and miracles The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints