The Savior and God The Father, appearing to the prophet Joseph Smith, started a new dispensation. Joseph Smith was only a fourteen year old boy who prayed to know which of all the Churches were true. In this new dispensation, the Lord, Jesus Christ as shown Himself to many, and powerful testimonies of faithful Latter-day Saints have shared their experiences. These experiences are shared to teach the world of the certainty of the love and involvement of the Savior Jesus Christ.
Here is a collection of pioneer stories and accounts of appearances of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
While the Saints were gathered on night, Joseph Smith was teaching and his appearance changed. A girl named Mary Elizabeth Lightner wrote about what she witnessed that night, when Joseph Smith said the Lord Jesus Christ was in the meeting with the group of Saints. Joseph Smith’s Countenance by Mary Elizabeth Lightner
Lorenzo Snow was concerned about the prophet Wilford Woodruff dying, and having to take charge of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Lorenzo Snow prayed and prayed for the life of the prophet Wilford Woodruff to be lengthened, but it was not so. The Lord had a work for Lorenzo Snow to do, and the Lord helped Lorenzo be ready for the new calling as prophet. Here is the account of what took place: Lorenzo Snow Seeing Christ in the Salt Lake Temple
At the end of the life of Joseph F. Smith, the sixth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day say Saints, he was very sick. During this time of sickness Joseph F. Smith was very close to the other side. He had a vision of Christ coming to the spirits in the Spirit World, and teaching the spirits the gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more about this experience seeing the Savior, click here: Joseph F. Smith’s Vision
Melvin J. Ballard was an apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the grandfather of M. Russell Ballard. Melvin Ballard bore a powerful testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ in the Ogden Tabernacle in early 1900's. Here is the link to his story: Melvin J. Ballards Witness of the Savior
Emmeline B. Wells was a faithful pioneer woman. She experienced much in her life, and taught all women to do the same. Emmeline recorded an experience of her seeing the Savior in the Salt Lake City Temple. Here is her account: Emmeline B. Wells Seeing the Savior,
Orson F. Whitney and early Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints shared a very special experience with the Savior, Jesus Christ. A Dream of The Savior