August 28, 2023

Lucy Mack Smith’s Home, Nauvoo Illinois

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One of the “don’t miss” homes in Nauvoo would defiantly be Lucy Mack Smith’s Home. Her home is just a short walk from the other Joseph Smith’s properties(The Red Brick Store, The Nauvoo House, and the Smith Homestead). Lucy’s home was one of the favorite homes in Nauvoo, is simple and sweet with a wonderful spirit about it, definitely one not to miss.

Lucy Mack Smith had seen a lot of sorrow in her life, and also experienced many miracles and this feeling is evident in her home. Her contribution should not be overlooked when studying the History of the Church, her love for her family and the Lord is evident in her actions. Touring her home made Lucy more real, instead of just hearing stories you are able to see where she lived in her last days of her life, it make history come alive. Having grown up learning about Lucy Mack Smith and her contributions to the Latter-Day work, it was a great experience going through the last home she lived in.

The tour of Lucy’s home consisted of only on the bottom floor, main part of the home. This is where Lucy spent most of her time, because she was elderly when she lived in this home in Nauvoo, and she did not go upstairs often because of her age. The tour of Lucy’s home was given by a missionary couple that were very knowledgeable of Lucy, and the importance of her contribution. The missionaries did a great job helping you feel the spirit of work of the Lord. They shared their excitement for the history of Lucy Mack and spoke lovingly of her efforts, trials and the last years of her life.

One of the focuses of the tour was the Egyptians Mummies that were given to Lucy Mack Smith by her son Joseph Smith. Lucy was given the Mummies after Joseph was done using them to translate the Pearl of Great Price, my family was pretty excited to learn more about this interesting part of Church History. The missionaries shared about the room where the Mummies were on display, how Lucy Mack Smith sold tickets to people around the town to see them, and ultimately where they think the mummies ended up.

Visiting Lucy Macks Smith’s home is a sweet experience. Lucy is one the most influential women of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She was a strong women, determined, passionate and a powerhouse of strength. Seeing her house in Nauvoo really brought all those feeling, and stories home. Lucy Mack Smith was a courages and inspiring women, and her home was a powerful reminder of the mark she made on this Earth.

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