Holy cow! Who would have guessed the Logan Temple had so many amazing stories that need to be told over and over again!
This video is told by a narrated by a man named Nolan P. Olsen who also wrote the book “The Logan Temple: The first 100 years.".
There are so many fun stories in this movie!
The movie begins with fascinating stories about how the temple was started without any plan or any design! Brigham Young had selected the spot for the temple and they started working. Brigham Young walked the temple length and had men dig out where the towers would be. Brigham Young had the temple builders dig a two foot trench and seven feet wide. The beautiful Logan Temple sits on a two foot deep foundation.
The outside walls of the Logan Temple are seven feet at the bottom of the temple and tapers into three feet at the top of the temple.
Truman O. Angell was appointed to be the architect of the Logan Temple after the ground had been dedicated. The plans that Truman designed for the temple were dated March, April and June 1878. The temple construction actually started a year before the plans were drawn up. The walls were up 30 feet high before the architect told them how to build and what to do!
The building was started before The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints even owned the property. The church paid Logan city 300$ for the land but two other people own parts of the land and did not want to sell it. The whole seven years of building the temple The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints still did not own the land. After the temple was in use they were finally able to get the lot to own!
The doctor in Logan was inspired to build a brace that was able to help many people that had injuries from working on the temple.
One of the balls on the top of the temple is bigger than the other!
Orson Pratt asked the Lord to protect the people who came to work on the temple. Miraculous stories of temple builders accidents and healings.
The people of Logan learned from the trail and error of the St. George Temple because Brigham Young did not like how the St. George Temple tower had turned out. He said it was too short. After Brighams death a lightning storm struck the St. George Temple and they had to rebuild the tower, taller like Brigham had wanted it. When the Logan Temple architect heard this story they raised the hight of the Logan Temple towers, to avoid the same problem :).
John Taylor dedicated the Logan Temple. 2,000 people gathered for the dedication.
1917, there was a fire in the temple.
A Native American man went missing. They said that he was “translated” because he was never found.
The US government coming for the polygamist. They wanted the records, but it’s said that the Nephite Army was protecting the temple.
Satan visits the temple. Tried to stop the work from going forth.
The Hale family miracle. Heavenly choir sang in the temple. The temple looked as though it was on fire.
Bro. Ballard with a vision of people in heave getting baptized.
The father of Bro. Ballard, with the story of the two men giving his daughter a newspaper to have the information to go do baptisms for the dead of people he knew in England.
Gift of tongues.