-The Logan Temple is the second temple built in Utah, the first temple built in Utah is the St. George.
-Brigham Young selected the site of the Logan Temple with his little grandson while Brigham was visiting his daughters that lived in Cache Valley.
-The Logan Temple is the only temple dedicated by President John Taylor(the third prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints).
-The Logan Temple was dedicated on May 17-18, 1884.
-The Logan Temple was built mostly by volunteers over a seven year period of time. At the groundbreaking ceremony for the Logan Temple President Brigham Young told the people of Cache Valley that building the temple would be a great sacrifice: ”From the architect, to the boy who carries the drinking water and the men that work on the building, we wish them to understand that wages are entirely out of the question.”
-When the Logan Temple was built the church had a ”Temple dairy heard” where they would get milk and cheese for the people working on the temple. They also had a ”Temple slaughterhouse” to get meat for the people working on building the temple.
-The exterior walls of the Logan Temple were originally painted a pinkish-white, but the paint was allowed to chip away and fell off exposing the beautiful rock that is on the exterior wall today.
-The architect of the Logan Temple was Truman O. Angell, who was also the architect of the Salt Lake Temple, the St. George Temple, The Beehive House and many more buildings.
-The Logan Temple is made out of sandstone and it was quarried locally. They also used limestone(which is a softer stone) they put it on the window ledges. The limestone was quarried from Franklin Idaho, close to the Logan Temple.
-In 1976 the Logan Temple was closed for refurbishment and the whole temple was gutted and rebuilt, only the outside walls were left standing.
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