Zions Camp run by the prophet Joseph Smith to defend the Saints who had been kicked out of their homes by Missourians LDS
Zions Camp run by the prophet Joseph Smith to defend the Saints who had been kicked out of their homes by Missourians LDS
The 8 Witnesses Monument is a fairly recent monument, dedicated in November 19, 2011. The monument is on the old farm of Missourian Micheal Arthur, a "Jack Mormon"(someone who was supportive of the Latter-Day Saints, but not a member). The monument stands at the grave of two of the eight witnesses of The Book of […]
Zion’s Camp Historical Marker Zions camp was a powerful account of men willing to defend their families and the families of other member of the Latter-day Saint church when they had been attacked by Missouri mob men. Under the direction of Joseph Smith, a band, of about 200 men from left from Kirtland Ohio to […]
To listen on Spotify Click here:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Zions-Camp-Part-2--History-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints-e2rakf3 For the origin of Zions Camp start here. Joseph Smith organized Zions Camp to help the Missouri Saints who had been kicked out of their homes. The men who joined Zions Camp were expecting to fight and give their lives to the Lord, fighting for the men and women […]
In 1834, the idea of Zion’s Camp was first discussed by the prophet Joseph Smith in his home in Kirtland. Zions Camp was a group of men from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gathered by the prophet Joseph Smith. Their objective was to defend the members of the Church from persecutions in […]
Brigham Young was born June 1, 1801 in Whitingham, Vermont. He was the ninth child of John Young and Abigail(Nabby) Howe. Brighams family was a very poor farming family and had very little formal education. His mother taught him how to read and write. When Brigham was fourteen years old his mom died of tuberculosis. […]
Algernon Sidney Gilbert, went by Sidney Gilbert in the Doctrine and Covenants. Sidney grew up in Huntington Connecticut. It is believed that he was college educated in the East. He moved to Painesville, Ohio where he owned a small store. Around 1827 Sidney and Newel K. Whitney had entered into a mercantile partnership and opened […]