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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

Make every trip a "Chruch history trip".
8 Witness Monument Liberty, Missouri

The 8 Witnesses Monument is a fairly recent monument, dedicated in November 19, 2011. The monument is on the old farm of Missourian Micheal Arthur, a "Jack Mormon"(someone who was supportive of the Latter-Day Saints, but not a member). The monument stands at the grave of two of the eight witnesses of The Book of […]

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Church History Trip From Utah To Nauvoo Illinois

There are many different ways to do a Church History Trip, look through all the things that would be good for your family and plan accordingly. Hopefully some of these blogs posts will be a good resource. We took the trek from Utah to Nauvoo, Illinois in our Motorhome. We left on a Sunday Morning […]

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David Whitmers Grave, Richmond County Cemetery, Richmond Missouri

Only a mile and a half away from the Pioneer Cemetery, where the Three Witnesses Monument is located, is the Richmond Cemetery where one of the three witnesses is buried, David Whitmer. The Richmond Cemetery is only .5 miles away from the courthouse. David Whitmers grave is in the center of the cemetery. David Whitmer […]

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The Nauvoo Pageant

The Nauvoo Pageant is a wonderful production done by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints during the month of July. The Pageant has been closed for the last couple years and this was the first year, 2023 that it started back up, and it was wonderful! It runs through the month of July […]

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John Taylor Home, Nauvoo Illinois

One of the restored homes you can tour in Nauvoo is the home of John Taylor, the third Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His home is next door to the printing press and both the printing press and John Taylors home are on the same tour. The home of John […]

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Visiting Carthage Jail, Know Before You Go

Carthage Jail is a very important part of the History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Carthage Jail is the location where the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed. Carthage Jail is about a half hour away from Nauvoo, Illinois. Carthage Jail is one of the most memorable stops […]

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Pageants in Nauvoo: The Nauvoo Pageant and British Pageant

If you are in Nauvoo in July and the first week of August do your best to attend BOTH the Nauvoo Pageant and the British Pageant. There are two different Pageants that happen in the same location. The British Pageants and The Nauvoo Pageant alternate days of the week through the month of July and […]

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Attending the Nauvoo Temple, Know before you go

One of the most memorable experiences for my family was the opportunity to go to the Nauvoo Temple. They all said there is nothing like this building in the whole world. There is such a special feeling inside with everything connected to the Nauvoo Time period, it was a very special experience for everyone. It […]

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Lucy Mack Smith’s Home, Nauvoo Illinois

One of the “don’t miss” homes in Nauvoo would defiantly be Lucy Mack Smith’s Home. Her home is just a short walk from the other Joseph Smith’s properties(The Red Brick Store, The Nauvoo House, and the Smith Homestead). Lucy’s home was one of the favorite homes in Nauvoo, is simple and sweet with a wonderful […]

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The British Pageant in Nauvoo Illinois

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints put on The British Pageant in two different location in the world. One British Pageant is done in England and the other is done in Nauvoo, Illinois. The British Pageant done in Nauvoo at the same location and stage as the Nauvoo Pageant, on different nights. The […]

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