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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

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Martin’s Cove Visitors Center, Wyoming

Martin’s Cove is a “must see” on the list for Church History sites. It is one of the most tragic and heroic stories in the Westward Migration, and in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Many, if not, most of the tragic pioneer stories revolve around the group of handcart […]

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Mary Fielding Smith and the Oxen blessings

Mary Fielding Smith is a rockstar when it comes to handling though situations! She had been through so much, and she kept up the fight, she did not give in! Mary’s strength came from a loving Heavenly Father that was with her every step of her hard journey. Mary’s perseverance is a blessing to all […]

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Get to know Mary Fielding Smith

“Oh My own, own Mother, oh she was good, she was true. She was indeed a Saint. A Royal Daughter of God. To her I owe my very existence as also my success in life, coupled with the favor and mercy of God” -President Joseph F. Smith To watch on Youtube click here:https://youtu.be/qOGCs0Zzpy0 To listen […]

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Fun Facts about the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

-The Star Valley Wyoming Temple is the first temple to be built in Wyoming! Star Valley is also the location of the first stake in Wyoming, the stake was organized in 1892! -The Star Valley was announced in 2011 and it was dedicated in 2016 by David A. Bednar. -When President Monson announced the Star […]

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Martin and Willie Handcart Companies Refresher:

The Martin and Willie Handcart companies are some of the most famous pioneer companies to ever cross the plains to the West. The tragedy that struck these companies has been written about more than any other group of Saints that crossed the plains. There was a time, in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, that […]

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Independence Rock State Historical Site

If you plan to visit the Martins Cove area and learn about Pioneer History this might be a fun place to stop. Independence Rock landmark is on the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails. The Westward travelers used Independence Rock to make sure they were in the right location and at the right time of year […]

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Martin Handcart Company, Sweet Water River Rescue

The story of the Willy and Martin Handcart company is a story that is well known in the hearts of Latter-Day Saints everywhere. The Martin and Willy handcart companies had a late start and had gotten caught in early winter storms in Wyoming. There are many tragic stories that came out of this event, but […]

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Willies Handcart Rescue Site Historical Marker

The Willie Handcart Company Historical Landmark was erected by the members of the Lyman Wyoming Stake in 1933. Inscription: Captain James G. Willie’s Handcart Company of Mormon emigrants on the way to Utah, greatly exhausted by the deep snow of an early winter and suffering form lack of food and clothing, had assembled here for […]

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The Life of Captain James Willie

James Willie was the Captain of the Willie handcart company, the last handcart company. There have been many stories of miracles that were experienced on the trail. There was much hardship, but so many miracles. How lucky we are to have the view looking backwards of the faith and strength that these faithful people have […]

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Best Movies and Books to prepare Youth for Trek

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint has an amazing history of sacrifice and dedication. When President Hinckley was the prophet of The Church he was really good at bringing the pioneer stories into our homes. Now it has been many years without our dear prophet President Hinckley and these stories have not been […]

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