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Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple Fun Facts

-The Hermosillo Temple is built on the land that was once the home of the Mexico Hermosillo Mission offices. -The Hermosillo Sonora Temple is the 72nd dedicated temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. -The Hermosillo Sonora Temple is 10,769 square feet. -Before the Hermosillo Sonora Temple was built the members in […]

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Snowflake Arizona Temple Fun Facts

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/3Q4g6jCWQIb To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/L6glvCpoU-w -The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the second temple built in Arizona. The first temple in Arizona is the Mesa Temple, built in 1927. -The Snowflake Arizona Temple is 18,621 square feet. -The Snowflake Arizona Temple was dedicated by […]

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Meridian Idaho Temple

-The Meridian Idaho Temple was announced 2 April 2011 and was dedicated on November 19, 2017 by Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Meridian Idaho Temple is the fifth temple in Idaho. The Idaho temple’s in order are: Idaho Falls(1945), Boise Idaho Temple(1984), Rexburg Idaho Temple(2008), and the Twin Falls Idaho Temple(2008). - The Meridian Temple was […]

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Latter-Day Saints Boise, Idaho Temple

-The Boise Temple is the second temple built in Idaho. The first temple was the Idaho Falls Temple built in 1945. -The groundbreaking ceremony happened on December 18, 1982. -The Boise Temple sits on a 4.83 acre site. -The Boise Temple was dedicated on May 25-30, 1984 by Gordon B. Hinckley. President Gordon B. Hinckley […]

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Lucy Mack Smith connection to the Detroit Michigan Temple.

One of the best things about the gospel of Jesus Christ is making connections from the past to the present. Temples are one of the best things to help us make those connections and Lucy Mack Smith has some connections to the Detroit Michigan Temple. Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the prophet Joseph Smith […]

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Temple

-The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple is the first Latter-Day Saint Temple in Pennsylvania. -The Philadelphia Temple was announced by Pres. Thomas S. Monson at the same time he announced Calgary, Canada; Córdoba, Argentina; Kansas City, Missouri; and Rome, Italy Temples. -The Philadelphia Temple was dedicated September 2016 by Henry B. Eyring. - The dedication of the […]

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10 interesting facts about the Chicago, Illinois Temple

More Blog Posts Dedication of the The Chicago, Illinois Temple brings healing from the past 10 Fun Facts about the rebuilt Nauvoo, Illinois Temple Fun Facts on the Latter-Day Saints Boise, Idaho Temple

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Miracle of the Nauvoo Temple Blue Prints

To rebuild the original Nauvoo Temple it took a lot of prep work finding information on everything Nauvoo Temple looked like. Getting the information about the original Nauvoo Temple took many years, and the stories are pretty amazing. When Gordon B. Hinckley announced the rebuilding of the Nauvoo Temple the temple architects and designers did […]

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“Miracle in Manhattan” How the Manhattan, New York Temple came to be

“Miracles happen every day in the work of the Church and in the lives of its members.“ - Dallin H. Oaks There was a great urgency to get a temple for the saints in New York. The membership of the New York Saints had tripled the decade before the temple was announced, and those members […]

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10 Awesome Facts About the Manhattan, New York Temple

The Manhattan New York Temple is the third temple adapted from an existing building. The other two Temples adapted from existing buildings, were the Vernal Temple and Copenhagen Denmark Temple. The New York City Temple building was originally built in 1976. The original building of the Manhattan New York Temple started as a Stake center. […]

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