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Mary Noble Impressions of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Mary B. Noble was a school teacher in Avon, New York when Joseph Smith came from Kirtland Ohio to her fathers home, and these were the impressions she wrote of her meeting the prophet. “This was the first time I ever beheld a prophet of the Lord and I can truly say as the first […]

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Emma Smith Interview on the Authenticity of The Book of Mormon

To listen on Spotify click here: Emma Hale Smith saw first hand the miracles of the translation of The Book of Mormon through her husband the prophet Joseph Smith. She was as amazed as anyone would be, and maybe even more so, because she knew her husbands inadequacies. Emma was a strong support to her […]

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Joseph Smith’s Countenance by Mary Elizabeth Lightner

In a meeting with Joseph Smith many felt the presence of a Heavenly being. Here is an account written by Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner : "Joseph got up and began to speak to us. As he began to speak very solemnly and very earnestly all at once his countenance changed and he stood mute. Those […]

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Who is Edward Partridge?

Edward Partridge is known as the “First Bishop of the Church.” Edward Partridge was born in Pittsfield Massachusetts on August 27, 1793. He was the son of William Partridge and Jemima Bidwell. Edward Partridge was a hatter by trade. By 1830 he owned his own hat shop. Edward and his wife Lydia aligned themselves with […]

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Overview of the Missouri Years

Move to Missouri The Latter-Day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph Smith, lived and used Kirtland Ohio as the Headquarters of the Church, for seven years. While in Kirtland, the Prophet Joseph Smith received revelations informing the Saints they would not stay permanently in Ohio. The Lord told the Saints that there is another place […]

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Troost Park Monument in Kansas City, Missouri

The Troost Park Monument marks the first log schoolhouse/church built in Jackson County Missouri. On August 2, 1831 the Prophet Joseph Smith assisted the Colesville Saints in laying the foundation, placing the first log for the foundation of the school/church and also the start of building Zion in Missouri. A ten inch oak tree was […]

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Zions Camp Memorials in Independence Missouri and Paris, Illinois

Zion’s Camp Historical Marker Zions camp was a powerful account of men willing to defend their families and the families of other member of the Latter-day Saint church when they had been attacked by Missouri mob men. Under the direction of Joseph Smith, a band, of about 200 men from left from Kirtland Ohio to […]

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Joseph’s Kirtland Ohio Accomplishments

To listen on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/m415oDf69Jb There was extraordinary growth, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, during the Kirtland Era. The Prophet Joseph Smith too grew exponentially in Kirtland. Joseph Smith grew in his abilities and his confidence as a Prophet of God and as a man. Here are some of […]

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Zions Camp (post 2)

For the origin of Zions Camp start here. Joseph Smith organized Zions Camp to help the Missouri Saints who had been kicked out of their homes. The men who joined Zions Camp were expecting to fight and give their lives to the Lord, fighting for the men and women of the Church who had been […]

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What is Zions Camp?

In 1834, the idea of Zion’s Camp was first discussed by the prophet Joseph Smith in his home in Kirtland. Zions Camp was a group of men from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gathered by the prophet Joseph Smith. Their objective was to defend the members of the Church from persecutions in […]

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