April 11, 2024

Jacob Hamblin Park, Kanab Utah

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The Jacob Hamblin Park in Kanab Utah is the perfect stop for a picnic, play, along with some history. The Jacob Hamblin park in Kanab is large with one of the best skateparks around. It had picnic tables, a large grass field for games, basketball courts, a playground and so much more! It is a great place to stop and listen to some of the Jacob Hamblin stories from the blog. It was a bit disappointing to not see any markers or information on Jacob Hamblin (there could be some makers, but we could not find them).

Jacob Hamblin was an early member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who connected the early pioneer and their Native American brothers and sisters. Jacob Hamblin was blessed by God to facilitate peace between the two groups, often in very contentious conditions. The life of Jacob Hamblin is full of exciting stories while being protected and helped by Heavenly Father.

Jacob first came to Kanab in 1867, and is known as the first sent to settle Kanab by the Prophet Brigham Young.. He was sent to form an alliance with the Hopi, Southern Paiute and Navajo tribes. While Jacob was in Kanab he helped built Fort Kanab, by request of Brigham Young. Fort Kanab was abandoned only 2 years after being built, because of the hostilities of the Natives in the area. Jacob did not make Kanab his permanent home, but it credited as being the first to settle the area.

Hamblin spent his life in dedication to the Lord, with the special mission to keep peace between the settlers and the Natives People. Jacob loved his Native brothers and sisters and taught the other Latter-day settlers to do the same, and foster and friendship between the two groups.

Linked below are some of my favorite stories of Jacob Hamblin:

Jacob Hamblin Prayed for Rain

Jacob Hamblin Stopping war

Healing the Sick, Jacob Hamblin Stories

Jacob Hamblin, the Peace Maker



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