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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

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Joseph F. Smith’s Vision

Prophet Joseph F. Smith was the sixth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. At the end of his life he was very sick, and he the veil was very thin for him. A couple months before his death he had a dream, or a vision, about what between the death of […]

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List of Utah Church Sites:

Salt Lake Valley Northern Utah Southern Utah Utah County Central Utah

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Who is Brigham Young

Brigham Young was born June 1, 1801 in Whitingham, Vermont. He was the ninth child of John Young and Abigail(Nabby) Howe. Brighams family was a very poor farming family and had very little formal education. His mother taught him how to read and write. When Brigham was fourteen years old his mom died of tuberculosis. […]

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Prophet Joseph F. Smith Facts

-Joseph F. Smith is the son of Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith. Joseph was born in Far West Missouri on November 3, 1839, while his father was in Liberty Jail.(Read Joseph F. Smith’s mom’s story here.) -In 1844, Joseph F. Smith’s father, Hyrum Smith, was martyred at Carthage Jail. Joseph F. Smith was only six […]

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