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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

Make every trip a "Chruch history trip".
Samuel Smith, brother of Joseph Smith

To listen on Spotify click here:https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Samuel-Smith--Brother-of-Prophet-Joseph-Smith-LDS-e2nm6pr Samuel Smith is the younger brother of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He was born on March 13, 1808 in Tunbridge, Vermont. When Samuel was 19 years old in 1827, he was six feet tall, and endowed with “great strength, far exceeding that of ordinary men, enabl[ing] him to do […]

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Who is Oliver Cowdery?

Oliver Cowdery was born October 3, 1806 in Wells, Vermont. Oliver Cowdery was a teacher in Manchester New York. While teaching in New York he heard about the prophet Joseph Smith and the translation of The Book of Mormon. In 1829, he accompanied the prophets brother, Samuel Smith to Harmony Pennsylvania where the young prophet […]

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Importance of the Whitmer Family, and Whitmer Home

The Whitmer family and Whitmer Home played a crucial part in the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Through the help of Heavenly Father Joseph Smith was sent the perfect people to help him get things done. One of the first and main players in the restoration was Oliver Cowdery and […]

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Get to know Emma Hale Smith

To listen on Spotify click here:https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Get-to-know-Emma-Smith-Church-History-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints-e2knuej Emma Smith was born in Harmony Pennsylvania, in Susquehanna County on July 10, 1804. She is the daughter or Isaac Hale and Elizabeth Lewis. Emma grew up in very prosperous circumstances. Lucy Mack Smith(Joseph’s mother) described Emma’s childhood home as a “mansion” with “every convenient appendage necessary.” Emma was […]

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David Whitmer’s Miracle

To watch on Youtube click here: https://youtu.be/F0CCSjJPxzM To listen on Spotify click here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/David-Whitmer-Miracle-Fayette--New-York-e2jsva1 Stories of miracles are some of my favorite stories to tell and retell. Sometimes we forget that our God is a God of miracles. There is so much sadness, depression, anger in this world and there is a tendency to let […]

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Who is David Whitmer?

David Whitmer was privileged to be one of the three witnesses of The Gold Plates. He was one of the first supporters of Joseph Smith he was able to see and experience many miracles. Even though David did leave the Church, he never denied what he saw and experienced. David Whitmer first heard of Joseph […]

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Women Witnesses of the Book of Mormon

To listen on Spotify click here:https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Women-Witnesses-of-The-Book-of-Mormon-New-York-e2jvq5q The accounts of the coming forth of The Book of Mormon are some of the most amazing stories in the history of the world. That this precious book was preserved for thousands of years to come forth when the time is right, and the world would be ready to […]

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Early Years of Christopher Columbus

”History has all the worlds best stories, and the life of the weaver’s son who discovered America could hardly be matched even by the most inventive imagination.” Felipe Fernandez-Armesto Childhood of Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. Columbus’s grandfather, Giovanni Columba, shows up on town records on the year 1429, when he […]

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Christopher Columbus Quotes by LDS Leaders

Orson Hyde “Journal of Discourses, Discovery of America by Columbus” Another circumstance I will call your attention to. In the first place, every great enterprise is attended with its difficulties, its hardships, and oppositions, for there must needs be opposition in all things. 2 Ne. 2:11 We are told that in the year 1492 this American continent was […]

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Get to Know Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus Spirituality -Christopher Columbus felt called by God to “open the sea” at very young age. He felt God had called him to the sea in preparation for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world! How amazing is that?! Because Columbus’s journey made the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ […]

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