To watch on Youtube click here: https://youtu.be/F0CCSjJPxzM
To listen on Spotify click here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/David-Whitmer-Miracle-Fayette--New-York-e2jsva1
Stories of miracles are some of my favorite stories to tell and retell. Sometimes we forget that our God is a God of miracles. There is so much sadness, depression, anger in this world and there is a tendency to let that overrun all the good. There are also miracles, joy, hope, happiness, sunshine it depends on our focus.
At the time of this miracle, David was not looking for a miracle to happen. David was simply going about his day, trying the best he could. When the miracle occurred it seemed impossible, and David was not expecting it. God knows what we need, and gives us the miracles needed to further the work of the Lord on Earth. There has been a heavy influence on miracles in that last couple conferences and it seems like that Lord is ready and willing to give us miracles and it is through our faith that they happen.
David Whitmers Miracle told by Lucy Mack Smith
“David went to the field, and found that he had two heavy days’ work before him. … He then fastened his horses to the harrow, and instead of dividing the field into what is, by farmers, usually termed lands, drove around the whole of it, continuing thus till noon, when, on stopping for dinner, he looked around, and discovered to his surprise, that he had harrowed in full half the wheat. After dinner he went on as before, and by evening he finished the whole two days’ work.
“His father, on going into the field the same evening, saw what had been done, and he exclaimed, ‘There must be an overruling hand in this, and I think you would better go down to Pennsylvania as soon as your plaster of paris is sown.’
“The next morning, David took a wooden measure under his arm and went out to sow the plaster, which he had left, two days previous, in heaps near his sister’s house, but, on coming to the place, he discovered that it was gone! He then ran to his sister, and inquired of her if she knew what had become of it. Being surprised she said, ‘Why do you ask me? was it not all sown yesterday?’
“‘Not to my knowledge,’ answered David.
“‘I am astonished at that,’ replied his sister, ‘for the children came to me in the forenoon, and begged of me to go out and see the men sow plaster in the field, saying, that they never saw anybody sow plaster so fast in their lives. I accordingly went, and saw three men at work in the field, as the children said, but, supposing that you had hired some help, on account of your hurry, I went immediately into the house, and gave the subject no further attention.’
“David made considerable inquiry in regard to the matter, both among his relatives and neighbors, but was not able to learn who had done it” (Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 148–49).
President Nelson’s October 2022 Promise
President Nelson, is wonderful at reminding the members of the bigger picture. President Nelson keeps reminding the Saints that the Savior has so much more in store for this world.
In the General Conference October 2022, President Nelson gave the members purpose in looking towards the future.
He said:
“But, my dear brothers and sisters, so many wonderful things are ahead. In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns “with power and great glory,” He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.”
On a tour of South America in 2018 President Nelson said:
“We are witnesses to the process of restoration. If you think the Church is fully restored, you’re just seeing the beginning. There’s much more to come. Wait until next year, and then the next year. Eat your vitamins, get your rest. It’s going to be exciting!”
In his conference address in April 2022, President Nelson told us to “seek and expect miracles”!!
He said:
“Moroni assured us that “God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.” Every book of scripture demonstrates how willing the Lord is to intervene in the lives of those who believe in Him. He parted the Red Sea for Moses, helped Nephi retrieve the brass plates, and restored His Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Each of these miracles took time and may not have been exactly what those individuals originally requested from the Lord.
In the same way, the Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, “doubting nothing.” Do the spiritual work to seek miracles. Prayerfully ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith. I promise that you can experience for yourself that Jesus Christ “giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Few things will accelerate your spiritual momentum more than realizing the Lord is helping you to move a mountain in your life."
2016 Volume 63 Numbers 2,3,4 “Pioneer” The National Society of the ones of Utah Pioneer presents “The Heavens Are Opened” and exhibit at the Church History Museum