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Pioneer woman, Laura Clark Phelps-Helping her Husband escape from Missouri Jail

Prisoners of Siege of Far West Laura Clark Phelps, and early member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, lived in Far West Missouri. The people of Missouri clashed with the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Problems escalated on October 31, 1838 when the members of the Church […]

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Emmeline B. Wells Seeing the Savior

Emmeline B. Wells was a powerhouse for women in the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(you can read more about Emmeline here). She was a writer, an editor and later in life she became the General Relief Society President. This excerpt came from an interview Emmeline did with Ethel C. […]

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“Who’s on the Lord’s Side?” By Hannah Last Cornaby

The beloved Hymn “Who’s on the Lord’s side” was written by the pioneer woman, Hannah Last Cornaby. Hannah lived an extraordinary life with the struggles, heartaches, with happiness and even miracles. Hannah was able to see the Lords hand through her hardships. She was able to have patience in her sufferings and teach people how […]

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Missouri Mob and Amanda Barnes Smith Prayer

" . . . those five weeks . . . I was a prisoner with my wounded boy in Missouri, near the scene of the massacre, unable to obey the order of extermination [for Mormons to leave the state or be killed]. In our utter desolation, what could we women do but pray? Prayer was […]

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Amanda Barnes Smith Haun’s Mill Massacre Miracle

Amanda Barnes Smith, an early member of The Church of Jesus Christ faced some of the greatest trails a person could withstand. Amanda knew that "with God all is possible". It was 1838 in Hawn’s Mill, Missouri when problems between the Missouri mob and the Latter-day Saints came to a head. Amanda and her family […]

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Get to know Eliza R. Snow

To listen on Spotify click here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Eliza-R--Snow-life-and-information-Zions-Poetess-e2j670d To watch on Youtube click here:https://youtu.be/q7ZYCFe_XbU Eliza Roxy Snow was born 1804 in Massachusetts and is the second child of seven of Oliver and Rosetta Snow. Elizas family moved to Portage County Ohio when Eliza was two years old. Eliza’s younger brother is Lorenzo Snow who became a […]

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Prophet Joseph F. Smith Facts

-Joseph F. Smith is the son of Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith. Joseph was born in Far West Missouri on November 3, 1839, while his father was in Liberty Jail.(Read Joseph F. Smith’s mom’s story here.) -In 1844, Joseph F. Smith’s father, Hyrum Smith, was martyred at Carthage Jail. Joseph F. Smith was only six […]

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Mary Fielding Smith, during the imprisonment of Liberty Jail

Mary Fielding Smith was a faithful, determined woman who lived in the early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mary Fielding was a kind devoted wife and mother who faced heart wrenching trials in her life. One of the many extreme trials was when her husband, Hyrum Smith, was wrongfully imprisoned […]

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Mary Fielding Smith and the Oxen blessings

Mary Fielding Smith is a rockstar when it comes to handling though situations! She had been through so much, and she kept up the fight, she did not give in! Mary’s strength came from a loving Heavenly Father that was with her every step of her hard journey. Mary’s perseverance is a blessing to all […]

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Mary Fielding Smith’s race to Salt Lake Valley

Mary Fielding Smith had much to overcome in this life. Reading her history it appears as though she could not catch a break, things were never easy for this, faithful woman. With every trial she answered with faith, strength and conviction, knowing that her loving Heavenly Father had a plan for her and would not […]

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