August 28, 2023

Joseph Smith Property Tours in Nauvoo, Illinois

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has done a beautiful job restoring and continuing to restore the city of Nauvoo. The feeling in Nauvoo is sacred, and a wholesome place for your family. There are buildings preserved in Nauvoo that you read about all through Church History classes and in the Doctrine and Covenants, and it is a joy to see these sacred places in person. The city of Nauvoo is a very important piece to the History of The Church and being there, seeing the buildings and picturing what it was like all those years ago, is something that everyone member should do, it’s worth the effort!

The pioneer buildings most exciting to see in Nauvoo are the homes and buildings owned by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Nauvoo is nicknamed “Joseph’s City” and seeing his homes and businesses should be on the top of anyone’s list. You should know before you go, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does not own the homes and businesses of Joseph Smith, they are owned by the Community of Christ Church, and they do charge to go through them.

You are welcome to walk around the Red Brick Store, and the Smith Family Cemetery without buying tickets. To tour the Mansion House and the Smith Homestead you will need to buy tickets, which are sold in the Red Brick Store. There is a lot to see in Nauvoo, but taking the time to go through Joseph Smith's family homes is well worth the 5$ a person! The Community of Christ tour guides did a great job, were respectful and kind with lots of fun stories.

What is in the Nauvoo Community of Christ Tour of Joseph Smith's properties:

The tour guide from the Community of Christ Church did a great job educating us on the background events of Nauvoo, why the Saints settled in the area, and how they build the city. He also taught us about discoveries of artifacts, and Smith family heirlooms that have been passed down, and family stories of Joseph’s family during his life and after he had died. Our tour guide spoke very kindly of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, its help in preserving the area and the artifacts.

The tour started right outside the Red Brick Store and goes through the Smith family Homestead, the first home of Joseph and Emma when they moved to Nauvoo and the Mansion House, with stops outside the other homes in the area with explanations of the importance of each one.

One of the stops was just outside the Smith Homestead, at the Smith Family Cemetery. The tour guide gave information on Joseph and Hyrum’s bodies, where they were first buried, when they were moved and where they are buried now.

Then, they walk you over to the Mansion house, gave background and stories on the Mansion house. Lots of information about what happened to the home after Joseph died, some famous people who had toured it, and more.

The tour does not take you through the Nauvoo House, because the Community of Christ rents out the house for youth groups, so there are no tours at this time. The tour guide informed us that it is just full of bunk beds and it’s not super interesting to see. They do give you great information on Joseph Smith’s vision for the house, and what happened to the house after the death of Joseph Smith.

The tour ended for our group at the Red Brick Store. He told us we are welcome to go upstairs and look around, it was in this store where the Relief Society was established.

Nauvoo Tour Worth the Cost

We found that the Community of Christ Tour was well worth the cost. We were encouraged to take the tour by one of the lds couple missionaries working in Lucy Mack Smith’s home. He said the Community of Christ tour is done very well, and we are so glad we listened to the Missionary and gave it a try. Being in these buildings that meant so much to Church members back in the day, was very interesting.

The tour had great stories and information, it was well worth the 5$ a person, and we would do it all again!

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