On April 3, 1814 Lorenzo Snow was born Montua, Ohio. His parents are Oliver Snow and Rosetta Leonora Pettibone Snow. Lorenzo had six brothers and sisters. Lorenzo was the oldest son.
Lorenzo Snow was the fifth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and served as Prophet from 1898 to 1901.
Four miles from the Snow’s family farm is the home of Joseph and Emma Smith when they lived in Kirtland Ohio.
On June 19, 1836 he was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Chagrin River which runs through Kirtland Ohio, he was twenty-two.
In the year 1837-1840, Lorenzo went on to serve many missions for the Church. He first served in the Ohio area converting many family members. Then, he served in Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky.
In May of 1840, Lorenzo went on to serve with the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in Great Britain. Lorenzo presided over the Church in the London and surrounding area. Lorenzo even presented a copy of the Book of Mormon to Queen Victoria.
In July of 1840 Lorenzo was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Seventy.
In 1843 Lorenzo arrived in Nauvoo Illinois with 250 Latter-day Saint converts from England.
In the year 1845 Lorenzo Snow was asked to practice polygamy. He was sealed to two women, Charlotte Merrrill Squires, and Mary Adeline Goddard.
In 1846, Lorenzo and his family left Nauvoo with the Saints. Lorenzo stayed in Mount Pisgah, Iowa settlement with his family, while waiting to cross to the Salt Lake Valley. Lorenzo presided over the Mount Pisgah settlement for a time.
In the spring of 1848, Lorenzo Snow leads a group of Saints to Salt Lake City they made it to the Salt Lake Valley that same year.
Lorenzo Snow was ordained to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by Heber C. Kimball, in 1849.
In 1849, (ages 35-38) Lorenzo served a mission to Italy, England, Switzerland and Malta. During this time Lorenzo supervises the publication of the Book of Mormon in Italian, in Italy, Switzerland, and Malta. He was very successful as a missionary and converted many people to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lorenzo was away from home for three years and during that time his wife Mary passed away.
Lorenzo was called to oversee the building of Brigham City, Utah. He organized a public school system, department store called Brigham City Mercantile and Manufacturing Association.
Lorenzo Snow went on another mission to the Hawaiian Islands where he nearly drowned when his boat capsized in the Lahaina Harbor. The missionaries with him were impressed to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on him to save his life, one of the Missionaries was Alma Smith. Mouth to mouth procedure was unheard of at the time.
In March 1886 Lorenzo was imprisoned for practicing plural marriage. He was released from jail February 8,1887.
Lorenzo Snow read the dedicatory prayer at the dedication sessions of the Manti Temple on May 21, 1888. President Wilford Woodruff had dedicated the temple on May 17.
September 2, 1889, Lorenzo Snow became the senior Apostle and presiding leader of the Church at the death of President Wilford Woodruff. Receives a divine manifestation in the Salt Lake Temple, in which the Lord instructs him to move forward with the reorganization of the First Presidency.
October 9, 1889 Lorenzo Snow was set apart as the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On May 17, 1899 Lorenzo Snow travels to St. George, Utah, where he receives a revelation to preach the law of tithing to the Saints. Begins sharing this message in St. George and leads an effort to share it throughout the Church. During the time of Lorenzo Snow’s presidency he reduced Church debt. Windows of Heaven, Tithing with Lorenzo Snow
On October 10, 1901 Lorenzo Snow passed away. He is buried in Brigham City Utah Cemetery the same day.
Through Lorenzo Snow’s granddaughter we have one of the most amazing accounts of Christ appearing in the Salt Lake Temple. You can read about it HERE.
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Places to Visit:
Lorenzo Snow’s Birth Place marker in Montua, Ohio.
Historic Kirtland
Manti Temple
St. George Tabernacle
Brigham City Utah Cemetery