General Information on Heber J. Grant
Heber J. Grant, the seventh prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was called to be an apostle at a very young age. Heber J. Grant was being prepared at a very young age for the purpose of being the prophet of The Lords Church. For fun facts and information on Heber J. Grant, click here: Get to know President Heber J. Grant
Stories from the life of Heber J. Grant
John Taylor, went to Tooele to call a new Stake President for the area, and this is a great story about the journey of finding Christ is different for each person. Here is a wonderful story of John Taylor Calling a New Stake President.
When Heber J. Grant was called to be an apostle, he was called with George Teasdale. There is a town named after George Teasdale in southern Utah, its fun to make the connections from the past. Read more about Heber J. Grant with George Teasdale being called here: Capitol Reef History and George Teasdale
Before becoming an apostles he was in a serious amount of debt. When he was called on a mission to open up Japan for missionary work, Heber J. Grant accepted the calling and was extremely worried about how he would be able to handle the calling financially. The Lord knew of Heber's sacrifice and sent him exactly what he needed to get out of debt and fulfill his calling. Read the story here: Heber J. Grants Mission to Japan
Heber J. Grant really wanted to call one of his good friends to fill a vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, but the Lord had other plans for that position. Heber was able to gain a testimony of the Lord is the one running His church through this very experience. Read the story here: Heber J. Grant, Calling a New Member of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Heber J. Grant was changed the Temple Recommend Questions to include the Word of Wisdom. Here is a story behind the change and part of the reason why the change occurred: President Heber J. Grant an Enemy of Alcohol and Tobacco
Heber J. Grant is buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery, you can read more about it here: Prophet’s Graves at the Salt Lake City Cemetery
Sites Dedicated by Heber J. Grant
Three Witnesses Monument, Richmond Missouri