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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

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Martin Harris Tests Joseph Smith

Martin Harris was one of the first people to believe Joseph Smith, outside of Joseph Smiths own family. Martin was a neighbor, a family friend in Palmyra, New York, at the infant stages of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Martin Harris was a truth seeker and supported Joseph through many hard times […]

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Laie Hawaii Temple Fun Facts

The Laie Hawaii Temple land was dedicated June 1915, announced October 1915, ground breaking February 1916, and dedication November 1919 by Heber J. Grant. In 1900 George Q. Cannon, a member of the first presidency, visited Hawaii for the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Hawaii Mission and promised the Saints, if they are […]

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Joseph F. Smith’s Vision

Prophet Joseph F. Smith was the sixth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. At the end of his life he was very sick, and the veil was very thin. A couple months before his death he had a dream, or a vision, about what happens in the time after the death […]

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History of Emma Smith’s Hymn Book

Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was known for being highly intelligent, kind, giving and very capable. In the 1800’s women had few rights in society and were not allowed to vote in any elections. Although, it was common for women to excluded from important meetings and decision, this was not the […]

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Emma Smith the “Right Person” to obtain the Gold Plates with Joseph Smith

To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/PdADI35AcHc To listen on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/u88w1DYgUIb Some of the greatest Church History stories revolve around the golden plates, which were given to Joseph Smith to translate into The Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith was told of the gold plates years before he was able to receive them. […]

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Lucy Mack Smith’s bringing Saints to Kirtland Miracle

To listen on Spotify click here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Lucy-Mack-Smith-mother-of-Joseph-Smith-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints-e2j669o Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the prophet Joseph Smith, was a strong and determined person. The Lord absolutely knew what he was doing when he put Lucy Mack as the mother of Joseph Smith. It would be a hard job, defending her son, keeping her cool in […]

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5 of the Best Books on the Prophet Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith, the first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is someone everyone is curious about. There are so many misconceptions, and lies about the Prophet Joseph Smith. How are you suppose to know what to believe about him. There are many books, and how do you know which books […]

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Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith Life Sketch

Joseph Fielding Smith became the 10th Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Joseph Fielding Smith is the son of the prophet Joseph F. Smith and the grandson of Hyrum Smith, the brother of the prophet Joseph Smith. Joseph F. Smith was born in Salt Lake City to Joseph F. Smith and […]

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Emma Smith Interview on the Authenticity of The Book of Mormon

To listen on Spotify click here: Emma Hale Smith saw first hand the miracles of the translation of The Book of Mormon through her husband the prophet Joseph Smith. She was as amazed as anyone would be, and maybe even more so, because she knew her husbands inadequacies. Emma was a strong support to her […]

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Zions Camp Memorials in Independence Missouri and Paris, Illinois

Zion’s Camp Historical Marker Zions camp was a powerful account of men willing to defend their families and the families of other member of the Latter-day Saint church when they had been attacked by Missouri mob men. Under the direction of Joseph Smith, a band, of about 200 men from left from Kirtland Ohio to […]

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