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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

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Get to know Newel K. Whitney

Newel K. Whitney was born 1795 in Windham County Vermont the son of Samuel Whitney and Susanna Kimball. He was only 19 when he started his profession of merchandising in Plattsburgh, New York. He also helped fight against the British forces and fought to save Plattsburgh. Fortunately, it was not much of a fight because […]

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Life of Martin Harris

Most people have heard of Martin Harris in The History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon and the man who lost the 116 pages of translation of The Book of Mormon. There is so much more to Martin Harris, he was […]

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Importance of the Whitmer Family, and Whitmer Home

The Whitmer family and Whitmer Home played a crucial part in the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Through the help of Heavenly Father Joseph Smith was sent the perfect people to help him get things done. One of the first and main players in the restoration was Oliver Cowdery and […]

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First Voyage of Christopher Columbus

The first voyage of Christopher Columbus changed the trajectory of the whole world forever. There has never been a voyage that had such an impact on the world as the first voyage of Columbus. With three small ships Columbus found a continent that had been hidden from the rest of the world. Columbus’s Ships Spain […]

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Christopher Columbus “Keys to Unlock the Sea.”

Christopher Columbus made it clear, from a very early age, he was called of God to open the sea. He made it his lives mission to open up a way from Europe to the Indies. He studied, sailed and worked for years to prepare for a time he would be able to take his great […]

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Early Years of Christopher Columbus

”History has all the worlds best stories, and the life of the weaver’s son who discovered America could hardly be matched even by the most inventive imagination.” Felipe Fernandez-Armesto Childhood of Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. Columbus’s grandfather, Giovanni Columba, shows up on town records on the year 1429, when he […]

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Christopher Columbus Quotes by LDS Leaders

Orson Hyde “Journal of Discourses, Discovery of America by Columbus” Another circumstance I will call your attention to. In the first place, every great enterprise is attended with its difficulties, its hardships, and oppositions, for there must needs be opposition in all things. 2 Ne. 2:11 We are told that in the year 1492 this American continent was […]

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Prophet Joseph F. Smith Facts

-Joseph F. Smith is the son of Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith. Joseph was born in Far West Missouri on November 3, 1839, while his father was in Liberty Jail.(Read Joseph F. Smith’s mom’s story here.) -In 1844, Joseph F. Smith’s father, Hyrum Smith, was martyred at Carthage Jail. Joseph F. Smith was only six […]

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Mary Fielding Smith, during the imprisonment of Liberty Jail

Mary Fielding Smith was a faithful, determined woman who lived in the early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mary Fielding was a kind devoted wife and mother who faced heart wrenching trials in her life. One of the many extreme trials was when her husband, Hyrum Smith, was wrongfully imprisoned […]

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Mary Fielding Smith’s race to Salt Lake Valley

Mary Fielding Smith had much to overcome in this life. Reading her history it appears as though she could not catch a break, things were never easy for this, faithful woman. With every trial she answered with faith, strength and conviction, knowing that her loving Heavenly Father had a plan for her and would not […]

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