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Washington D.C. Temple Renovation Completion

The Washington D.C. Temple is now finished after years of renovation work. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has opened the doors to visitors, right now, and will keep the doors open until the re-dedication of the temple. The Church put out this video explaining the extensive work of redoing the temple and […]

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Facts about the Hartford Connecticut Temple

- The Hartford Connecticut Temple is the 155th dedicated temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. - The dedication of the Hartford Connecticut Temple was 20 November 2016 by Henry B. Eyring. -The Hartford Connecticut Temple is 32,246 square feet. -The Hartford Connecticut Temple was announced 18 years earlier but was suspended […]

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St. Louis Missouri Temple Dedication Healing the Past

In the early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints there were major problems between the members of The Church of Jesus Christ and the people in Missouri. Missouri was the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at one point in history, and a time of intense persecution […]

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Fun Facts about the St. Louis, Missouri Temple

The St. Louis Missouri Temple is the first temple built in Missouri even though there were temple sites dedicated in Independence Missouri, Far West Missouri and Adam-ondi-Ahman, in the 1830’s. The St. Louis Missouri Temple was the 50th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The St. Louis Missouri Temple has […]

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Lucy Mack Smith connection to the Detroit Michigan Temple.

One of the best things about the gospel of Jesus Christ is making connections from the past to the present. Temples are one of the best things to help us make those connections and Lucy Mack Smith has some connections to the Detroit Michigan Temple. Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the prophet Joseph Smith […]

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Detroit Michigan Temple Miracles

Faith that defies reason In the book ”The Blueprint of Christs Church” by Tad R. Callister he speaks of how true faith combines belief and action. “True faith combines belief and action in an inseparable partnership that invites Gods power into our lives.” This principle was evident in the building of the Detroit Michigan Temple. […]

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Facts about the Detroit Michigan Temple

-The Detroit Michigan Temple is the 63rd operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. -The Detroit Michigan Temple is the fist temple built in Michigan. -The Detroit Michigan Temple was dedicated October 23-24, 1999 by President Gordon B. Hinckley. -The groundbreaking ceremony of the Michigan Temple happened on the same day […]

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Dedication of the The Chicago, Illinois Temple brings healing from the past

The building of the Chicago Illinois Temple was a big deal. It had been many years since there had been a temple in Illinois. There had not been a temple in the whole midwest, after the Nauvoo Temple had been abandoned and destroyed, until the Chicago Temple. The dedication of the Chicago, Illinois Temple was […]

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Temple Architecture

One of the best things about the Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the little details that make each temple unique. The Philadelphia Temple is truly a work of art and a beautiful nod to history. There was an article written on the Philadelphia Temple(link at the bottom of page) […]

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Stain glassed Windows in the rebuilt Nauvoo, Temple Getting Christs Face Perfect

Tom Holdman was the artist in charge of the stain glassed windows in the new/rebuilt Nauvoo Temple. The Nauvoo Temple was not the first temple Tom Holdman worked on, he started with the the windows of the Palmyra Temple and then worked on the Winter Quarters Temple. Tom said that he felt that those two […]

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