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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

Make every trip a "Chruch history trip".
Founding Fathers Advocating Religion

The Founding Fathers of The United States of America were advocates for Religious freedom

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Harry S. Truman and the Latter-Day Saints

If you travel to Jackson County Missouri you can stop at the Jackson County Courthouse, also known as the Truman Courthouse for Harry S. Truman the 33rd President of the United States. He served as President of the United States from 1945 to 1953. In the court house you are able see the offices President […]

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Emmeline B. Wells a champion of Women

”I believe in Women, especially thinking women” -Emmeline B. Wells The life of Emmaline B. Wells is full of accomplishments, heartache and more than anything, faith. She is a powerful example of a strong women, doing the Lords work. Emmaline was the voice for Utah women during the years when polygamy was practiced. Emmeline and […]

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