Edward Hunter let missionaries use his school when the first members were converted in Pennsylvania The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Edward Hunter let missionaries use his school when the first members were converted in Pennsylvania The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Rome is full of rich history of the ancient Church of Jesus Christ. While traveling around the ancient city, you can imagine what it was like after the death of Jesus Christ. The ancient apostles working as missionaries urgently working to spread the gospel and prepare the world for Christ to return again. Rome was […]
Oliver Cowdery was born October 3, 1806 in Wells, Vermont. Oliver Cowdery was a teacher in Manchester New York. While teaching in New York he heard about the prophet Joseph Smith and the translation of The Book of Mormon. In 1829, he accompanied the prophets brother, Samuel Smith to Harmony Pennsylvania where the young prophet […]
To listen on Spotify click here:https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Women-Witnesses-of-The-Book-of-Mormon-New-York-e2jvq5q The accounts of the coming forth of The Book of Mormon are some of the most amazing stories in the history of the world. That this precious book was preserved for thousands of years to come forth when the time is right, and the world would be ready to […]
-The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple is the first Latter-Day Saint Temple in Pennsylvania. -The Philadelphia Temple was announced by Pres. Thomas S. Monson at the same time he announced Calgary, Canada; Córdoba, Argentina; Kansas City, Missouri; and Rome, Italy Temples. -The Philadelphia Temple was dedicated September 2016 by Henry B. Eyring. - The dedication of the […]