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Our Goal is to help connect the people to places in Church History. 

Make every trip a "Chruch history trip".
Jacob Hamblin Prayed for Rain

Jacob Hamblin praying for rain to keep peace with the Native people. Jacob Hamblin life stories LDS

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First Return Trip of Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus had made it to the New World(Read about his journey here). It had taken Columbus a lifetime of preparation, years of study, countless disappointments but he had made the journey of his dreams. Columbus and the crew were thrilled at their new discovery. They met Native people at each island they went to, […]

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Architecture and Design of the Snowflake Arizona Temple

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JpyKZ8OYQIb To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/r1jsoB3xr68 The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the ”sister temple” to the Winter Quarters Temple in Nebraska. Both temples are built on a hill, with the lower level partially set into the hill. There was sixteen feet removed from the […]

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