November 28, 2023

Mary Fielding Smith, Collection of Sites and Stories

This map below was created to help find other Church Sites and Articles. Each point will have articles in the description about that point

(below the map is the rest of the article)

Mary Fielding Smith was one of the strongest women in Church History. Mary Fielding Smith, faced many challenges in her short life, but left a legacy of goodness for this world.

General Information on Mary Fielding Smith

For general information on Mary Fielding Smith click here: Mary Fielding Smith, Life and Legacy, Mary Fielding Smith, things everyone should know!

Mary Fielding Smith Documentary This is a link to a documentary done by KSL on the life of Mary Fielding Smith. This documentary teaches a great deal about the life of Mary Fielding Smith and her contributions to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Stories from Mary Fielding Smiths Life

Liberty Jail was a terrible and life altering experience for the men wrongfully imprisoned, and the trials for their wives and children at home were equally dreadful. This blog post is the account of Mary Fielding Smith, sick and almost dying after giving birth to her first born son, Joseph F. Smith, all while her husband, Hyrum Smith was in Liberty Jail. Read more here: Mary Fielding Smith, Hyrum Jailed in Liberty .

This post is a recording of Susan Easton Black giving a speech at BYU Idaho on Mary Fielding Smith. She goes over amazing stories and accounts of the life of Mary Fielding, making her stories real. Her struggles are different from our challenges today, but her faith and hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ helped her through it all. Click here to learn more: Mary Fielding Smith BYU Hawaii Devotional

Mary Fielding Smiths Pioneer Stories

After the death of her husband, Hyrum Smith, Mary had to cross the plains to the Rocky Mountains with her children and no husband. Mary experienced many trials during this time of her life, but she knew that God would help her through these difficult experiences. Here are some of Mary Fielding Smiths stories of crossing the planes:

Mary Fielding Smith and the Oxen blessings. Mary Fielding Smith blessed the oxen of her company when the oxen became sick. Mary knew this oxen was necessary for her company to make it to the Valley, and she knew God would help her family. It is a very powerful account.

Mary Fielding Smith’s race to Salt Lake Valley. Mary and her family faced many prejudices being a widowed family, and the in need of help from others to cross the difficult wilderness to the Salt Lake Valley. The captain of the company of Mary Fielding felt that she and her family would be a burden to the whole company, and Mary did not let the captain stop her from getting her family to Salt Lake.

Sites of Mary Fielding Smiths Life

Berkshire, England-birth place

Kirtland, Ohio-Mary Fielding went to Kirtland to gather with the Saints and it was in Kirtland that she met and married her husband Hyrum Smith.

Liberty Jail, Missouri-gave birth to her son, Joseph F. Smith while husband, Hyrum was in Liberty Jail

Nauvoo, Illinois- where she lived when her husband was killed.

Millcreek, Utah- she built her first Utah home.

This is the Place Monument-Where her house in Millcreek, Utah was moved.

Salt Lake City Cemetery- Where Mary Fielding Smith is buried, next to her sister Mercy.

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