February 28, 2022

Awesome facts about the Kyiv, Ukraine Temple

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Picture credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

-In 1991, Elder Boyd K. Packer dedicated Ukraine for the preaching of the Gospel.

-In 1991 when Elder Boyd K. Packer dedicated Ukraine for the preaching of the gospel he prophesied that “the spires of temples will be seen across this great land.”

-Missionaries, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, had only been in the country of Ukraine for 8 years when the Ukraine temple was announced.

-Not since the early days of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has a temple been built so soon after the Church was established in a nation. 

-Kyiv, Ukraine temple was the 11th Temple built in Europe.

-The Kyiv Ukraine temple announcement came only WEEKS after the dedication of the first meeting house in Ukraine.

-The announcement of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple was 20 of July 1998.

-The groundbreaking and site dedication was 23 June 2007- nearly nine years after the temple announcement was made.

- About 680 members and friends gathered at the temple on September 9, 2009 to watch the placement of the Angel Moroni on top of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple.

-In 2004 Russel M. Nelson organized the first Stake in Ukraine. It consisted for 7 wards.

-The dedication of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple was August 29, 2010.

- During the 1990’s Ukraine had the highest ratio of conversions per missionary, among Easter European countries.

- At the Kyiv Temple dedication Elder Uchtdorf said ”Ukraine was once the ‘breadbasket of Europe;’ it supplied the other countries with wheat. You could say that it will now be the spiritual breadbasket because of the temple.”

-The exterior of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple is made of Amarelo Macieira granite with quartzite crystals which reflect sunlight.

-The Kyiv Ukraine Temple was awarded first place for the best religious building constructed in Ukraine in 2010.

-Just beneath the sphere upon which the angel Moroni stands is a series of flashing red lights that are turned on at night, since the temple is located near a small, local airport.

Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
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