February 18, 2023

Joseph Smith’s Countenance by Mary Elizabeth Lightner

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In a meeting with Joseph Smith many felt the presence of a Heavenly being. Here is an account written by Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner :

"Joseph got up and began to speak to us. As he began to speak very solemnly and very earnestly all at once his countenance changed and he stood mute. Those who looked at him that day said there was a search light within him, over every part of his body. I never saw anything like it on earth. I could not take my eyes off of him. He got so white that anyone who saw him would have thought he was transparent. I remember I thought I could almost see the bones through the flesh. I have been through many changes since, but that is photographed in my brain. I shall remember it and see in my mind’s eye as long as I remain upon the earth.

He stood some minutes. He looked over the congregation as if to pierce every heart. Said he: 'do you know who has been in your midst?' One of the Smiths said 'an angel of the Lord.' Martin Harris said: 'It was our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.' Joseph put his hands down on Martin and said: 'God revealed that to you. Brothers and sisters, the spirit of God as been in your midst. The Savior has been here this night and I want to tell you to remember it. There is a veil over your eyes for you could not endure to look upon Him. You must be fed with milk not with strong meat. I want you to remember this as if it were the last thing that escaped my lips. He has given all of you to me and sealed you up to everlasting life that where he is there you may be also. And if you are tempted of Satan say 'get thee behind me, Satan.'

These words are figured upon my brain; and I never took my eyes off his countenance. Then he knelt down and prayed. I have never heard anything like it before or since. I felt that he was talking to the lord and that power rested down upon us in every fiber of our bodies, and we received a sermon from the lips of the representative of God."

More Blog Posts:

Joseph’s Kirtland Ohio Accomplishments

Kirtland Era and Future Prophets

Kirtland Ohio’s Revelations

Saints to gather in Kirtland, Ohio

Places to Visit:

Historic Kirtland Ohio

Newel K. Whitney Store Kirtland Ohio

Kirtland Temple


”The Witness of Women, Firsthand experiences and Testimonies from the Restoration.” By Janiece Johnson and Jennifer Reeder (p.19-20)

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