January 31, 2023

Fun Facts about the Sacramento Temple

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The Sacramento temple is the 123rd dedicated Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The Sacramento California Temple was announced by President Gordon B.Hinckley in August 22, 2004 and dedicated September 3, 2006 also by President Hinckley.

The Sacramento California Temple is close to two of the most famous gold mining sites in American History.

The Church acquired the land when the company Aerojet General while it was downsizing, at the same time the Stake in Sacramento was growing and they were in need of a new meetinghouse in the 1970’s. Joseph Fielding Smith approved the purchase of the land but there was so much extra land the members were asked to pay for it. The stake president said “When I drove to the top of the hill on the land, I could actually see a temple standing here. I really knew that was the purpose of the land and knowing that gave me the courage to ask the Saints to raise the money and move forward on its purpose.”

The Sacramento California Temple was the seventh temple built in California,(Los Angeles, Oakland California, San Diego, Fresno, Redlands, New Port Beach,) the third built in Northern California, and the second built in the Central Valley, following the Fresno California Temple.

President Spencer W. Kimball dedicated the land in October of 1976. At the dedication he said “You have a beautiful spot here for a temple. Maybe that would be a wonderful thing. I don’t mind talking about temples to the congregations, even far in advance of their need and their readiness for it. Some of the prophets have said there will be hundreds and hundreds of temples-we only have sixteen right now. And it’s quite a distance to go. But, brothers and sisters, I just want to say this-that when you are ready you could have a temple.”

There was opposition to the Sacramento Temple being built but when the Church went to get approval to build the temple, from the city of Sacramento, they were met by leaders from different religious denominations that came to voice their support of the LDS Temple! The Sacramento Temple Architect Brian Everett said this about the experience: “At the hearing, the religious leaders stood, identified themselves, and their faith and voiced their support of the project. The overwhelming support prompted the commission to vote unanimously in favor of the temple. Following the meeting, one of the commissioners commented that it was the largest contingent of interfaith people to come and represent any faith they’d ever seen. The event was tremendous. The spirit that was felt and the things that took place were amazing.”

The hilltop location is known as “Temple Hill” it overlooks Lake Natoma.

Near the entrance of the temple grounds is a tree estimated to be over one hundred years old.

There are three compass designs located on the ground at the temple entrance symbolizing mans efforts to find his way.

Throughout the Sacramento Temple it is adorned with the symbol of the rose and the California Poppy. The California Poppy represents the blood of Christ and his resurrection. You can see these floral designs in the brides room, and sealing room carpet.

The baptistry in the Sacramento Temple has an arched ceiling, it’s the first of it’s kind.

The Sacramento Temple is made of light gray granite and is 19,500 square feet.

More Blog Posts:

Oakland California Temple Information

Fun Facts on San Diego California Temple

Los Angeles California Temple Fun Facts


”Temples of the New Millennium” by Chad S. Hawkins (p. 248-249)

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