-The Bountiful Temple is the 47th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and is the eighth temple built in Utah.
-The exterior is made from Bethel white Granite. The Bountiful Temple is 104,000 square feet.
-The Bountiful Temple location was chosen 1988. On April 3, 1988 the entire first presidency first presidency traveled to the site. President Ezra Taft Benson said “This will be a beautiful site for the House of the Lord.” President Thomas S. Monson recalled the spiritual affirmation he felt as President Benson spoke those words. This is the only temple site chosen with the entire First Presidency together. It is also the only temple site that was personally chosen by President Ezra Taft Benson.
-Four years after selecting the site of the Bountiful Temple the groundbreaking ceremony took place. On May 2, 1992, President Benson performed the ceremony at age 92.
-The Bountiful Temple was intended to be a “light on a hill” both figuratively and literally. The architectural design plans called for the structure to to stand out on the hill, so it can be seen for many miles.
-The symbolism of light plays an important roll inside the temple too. The light in the temple increases as the patrons progress upward. The brightest rooms in the temple are the eight sealing rooms.
-The design of the Bountiful Temple was adapted and used to design of the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
-The Bountiful Temple is one of two temples dedicated by the prophet Howard W. Hunter.
-There are some important symbols on the outside of the Bountiful Temple. If you look closely you can see the key stone(representing Christ), there are design elements representing the earth, the sun, moon, and stars.
“Temples of the New Millenium” By Chad Hawkins