June 1, 2022

Facts about the Indianapolis, Indiana Temple

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-In early 2010 the members of the Indianapolis, Indiana North Stake were challenged by their stake president to index one million names by the end of the year. Within days of completing their goal of one million names, President Monson announced plans to build a temple in Indianapolis Indiana! The members were elated to hear the new temple announcement!

-The Indianapolis Indiana Temple is the first temple built in Indiana.

-The Indianapolis Temple has 34,025 square feet.

-The Indianapolis Temple was dedicated by Henry B. Eyring.

-The Indianapolis Temple is 148th dedicated temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

-The Temple site of the Indianapolis Indiana Temple is 18.11 acres.

-The exterior of the Indianapolis Temple reflects famous Indiana landmarks. The temple spire closely resembles the obelisk-shaped “Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument” that is located in the middle of a large traffic circle in the heart of the city.

-The Indianapolis Temple has two principle design motifs the Celtic knot pattern(symbolizing no beginning and no end, unity and eternal spiritual life) and the blossom of the tulip poplar, the Indiana state tree. The temple designers placed these in the fencing, the door handles, the art glass, light fixtures, carpet, furniture, decorative paintings, and cherry woodcarvings.

-The Indianapolis Temple designers also placed a “X” in the stained glass to subtly remind temple visitors that the city is known as the Crossroads of America.

-The designers also placed round circles on the stained glass and on the outside fountain making reference to “the Circle City,” that Indianapolis is famous for.






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