August 24, 2023

President Hinckley's Engagement Story

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The marriage of President Hinckley and Marjory Pay Hinckley was one of love and happiness, they were an example to all. The way the prophet spoke of his dear wife was beautiful, he constantly spoke on his love for her. They were married for 67 years, and are an example to all on how to live the gospel, love each other and how to get through hard times. They are simply the cutest couple.

It is fun to see the lives of the prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ before they became prophets, when they were young and had the same concerns as most of that same age. One of the best stories of President Hinckley and Sister Hinckley was when the young couple engaged. Gordon B. Hinckley started worrying on lack of money to start their lives together. Worried, he called his young fiancé and told her about their plight and the conversation went like this:

Gordon B. Hinckley: “We have got to call this off, I only have 150$ to my name.“

Marjory: “I get 150$ and a husband, we are in good shape!”

Marjory Hinckley had such great humor, she was so loved by her dear husband and the whole world. It is a special talent she possessed to be able to calm worries and make people smile at the same time. She is such a great person, and an example of fun and faith.

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Read more: President Hinckley's Engagement Story

Reference: “In their own words” by Mary Jane Wooster

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