August 27, 2022

Church Historian Kate Holbrook’s Passing

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One of The Best, passed away this past week. Kate Holbrook, one of the prominent historians for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints passed away on the 20th of August.

Her excitement and passion for Church History and specifically women of the church helped so many women throughout the world.

My first introduction to Kate Holbrook was through the Face to Face event with Elder Cook in Nauvoo. It is so good! If you have not seen it, or if it’s been a couple years I invite you to watch it, it is simply wonderful and so insightful.

Here is a link to Kate Holbrook’s website. Her books and podcasts are all linked there. If you have a minute go check it out.

Here is the Deseret New’s piece on Kate, she is a beautiful soul!

The gospel of Jesus Christ truly brings out the best and that is evident in the life of Kate Holbrook! She is simply one of the best! It is a blessing to know that she is still sharing the light and truth in a different place now!

Thank you, Kate for teaching us! Your light and wisdom with be missed here!

I never met Kate Holbrook, I’m just a fan girl! I love wonderful, wise women like Kate and am sad that this world is without her now!

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