Knight Family Home, Church History Sites of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Knight Family Home, Church History Sites of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Isaac Morley was born on March 11, 1786 in Montague Massachusetts. Issac Morley married Lucy Gunn when he was twenty-six years old. She had been his childhood sweetheart, and classmates in school. Isaac served as a captain in the Ohio militia in the war of 1812. He played the flute in the militia band until […]
This documentary about Mary Fielding Smith is wonderful. It goes through her whole life and highlights stories that we have heard and love about this amazing woman. Articles about Mary: Locations to Visit while learning about Mary Fielding Smith: Berkshire, England-birth place Kirtland, Ohio-met and married her husband Hyrum Liberty Jail, Missouri-gave birth while husband […]
What is a miracle? Elder Dallin H. Oaks gave a talk in titled “Miracles” in May of 2000. In his talk he said the definition of miracles is: “a beneficial event brought about through divine power that mortals do not understand and of themselves cannot duplicate.” Elder Oaks also goes onto say that “Miracles happen […]