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Architecture and Design of the Snowflake Arizona Temple

To listen to this post on Spotify click here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JpyKZ8OYQIb To watch on YouTube click here: https://youtu.be/r1jsoB3xr68 The Snowflake Arizona Temple is the ”sister temple” to the Winter Quarters Temple in Nebraska. Both temples are built on a hill, with the lower level partially set into the hill. There was sixteen feet removed from the […]

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Historic Logan Temple Barn

When the Logan Temple was first built there was a barn built to park the horses and buggies of the patrons, as they would come to do work in the Logan Temple. The barn was built in 1897 and is still standing today! The barn was one of two barns in the Chache Valley of […]

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Historical Videos of the Logan Utah Temple

The history of the Logan temple is rich and full of miracles that helped the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints grain greater understanding of their purpose on Earth. These youtube videos are awesome! They start from the beginning and go through the whole process of the building of the Logan […]

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Miracle at the Boise Idaho Temple

The Boise Idaho Temple is a stop not to be missed, if you are going through Boise, Idaho. The Temple is located right off the freeway, and very close to Costco. Our family just made the trek from Utah to Washington a couple times this past month for a wedding and a family reunion. Stopping […]

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Latter-Day Saints Boise, Idaho Temple

-The Boise Temple is the second temple built in Idaho. The first temple was the Idaho Falls Temple built in 1945. -The groundbreaking ceremony happened on December 18, 1982. -The Boise Temple sits on a 4.83 acre site. -The Boise Temple was dedicated on May 25-30, 1984 by Gordon B. Hinckley. President Gordon B. Hinckley […]

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Why the Hartford Connecticut Temple paused for 18 years.

Getting a temple for the Saints in Hartford Connecticut was harder than anyone would have thought in the beginning of the process. President Gordon B. Hinckley announced a temple for Hartford but then looked in the area for three years for the perfect piece of land, and they just were not able to find the […]

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Wilford Woodruff’s Birthplace Marker and Connection to the Hartford Connecticut Temple

Wilford Woodruff, the fourth prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was born in Farmington Connecticut, the same city the Hartford Connecticut Temple is in now. The Connecticut Temple was announced 18 years before it was built, and it seems like it’s connection to Wiilford Woodruff would help connect the members to […]

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Washington D.C. Temple Renovation Completion

The Washington D.C. Temple is now finished after years of renovation work. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has opened the doors to visitors, right now, and will keep the doors open until the re-dedication of the temple. The Church put out this video explaining the extensive work of redoing the temple and […]

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Detroit Michigan Temple Miracles

Faith that defies reason In the book ”The Blueprint of Christs Church” by Tad R. Callister he speaks of how true faith combines belief and action. “True faith combines belief and action in an inseparable partnership that invites Gods power into our lives.” This principle was evident in the building of the Detroit Michigan Temple. […]

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Temple Architecture

One of the best things about the Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the little details that make each temple unique. The Philadelphia Temple is truly a work of art and a beautiful nod to history. There was an article written on the Philadelphia Temple(link at the bottom of page) […]

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