March 6, 2022

The Gospel Exists to Help People, how to help Ukraine

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“The Church literally has the capacity to help people, no matter what their problem is. The Gospel exists to help people.” President Russell M. Nelson said in the book “Insights from a Prophets Life.” By Sheri Dew.

In the chapter ”What is your greatest problem and how can we help you?” President Nelson talks about how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is able to enter into countries that have been closed to the preaching of the gospel. President Nelson shares about going into each country and offering to help, opened up doors that have been closed. He has amazing stories about Russia, and Hungary and how the Lord showed him each path to help the people of the country.

Seeing the posts and news reports of what is happening in Ukraine, a desire to help stirs within us. When you are half a world away from the fighting and calamities, it is hard to know HOW to help.

A wonderful thing about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is that members are taught to look out for each other and everyone. Elder Uchtdorf often speaks of war-torn Europe, from his memories growing up in Germany, as a child. One of my favorite talks he gave called “You are My Hands” April 2010, where he talks about the gift of service.

Elder Uchtdorf said:

“I am deeply impressed by the way our Church members extend themselves to others. As we hear of your selfless sacrifice and overwhelming compassion, our hearts swell with gratitude and happiness. You are a shining light to the world, and you are known for your goodness and compassion all around the globe.”

How can you help the people of Eastern Europe right now? The Church put out the following statement:

“Church members and friends have also been invited to fast and pray for those so deeply impacted. More will be shared about their efforts in the coming days and weeks.”

“Church members around the world have inquired about how to help or contribute. We invite them to do so through the Church’s Humanitarian Aid Fund, which will be used to address this and other crises.”

The Church News on Social Media they recently explained how the Church is helping the people of Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

“From the earliest hours, the Church began contacting friends and collaborating organizations in the region to assess needs and purchase food and other necessities,”

“Following this pattern, the Europe Area Presidency is working with the Church headquarters teams to identify and address needs. Relief supplies — including sleeping bags, cots and tents — are being delivered to local government agencies, the Red Cross and other NGOs who are attending to Ukrainian refugees arriving in bordering countries. Additional aid is being organized.”

Credit: Scott G Winterton, Deseret News

Everyone is able to do something. If all you can give is a heartfelt prayer to your Father In Heaven, you are doing something. If you can give monetarily please click on the link for the churches humanitarian project.

When Elder Uchtdorf said “You are a shining light to the world, and you are known for your goodness and compassion all around the globe.” He knows the difference each of us can make in making a better world!


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