March 16, 2022

The Faithful Latter-Day Saints of Ukraine

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from across the world have struggles and challenges. The Saints in Ukraine have been dealing with civil unrest for a long time.

Going through some conference talks there were many amazing stories of the members in Ukraine, here are some favorites:

Kyiv Ukraine Temple Credit: Gerry Avant, Church News

Never Leave Him
Neil L. Andersen
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

“While accompanying President Dieter F. Uchtdorf to Eastern Europe last year, I marveled at the faith and courage of the Saints. One priesthood leader in Ukraine told us of being called to the branch presidency in the spring of 1994, only six months after his baptism. This would require becoming public with his faith and helping to register the Church in the city of Dnipropetrovs’k.

It was at a time of uncertainty in Ukraine, and openly showing faith in Christ and in the restored gospel could mean difficulty, including the possibility of losing his job as a pilot.
The priesthood leader told us, “I prayed and prayed. I had a testimony, and I had made a covenant. I knew what the Lord wanted me to do.” Courageously, he and his wife went forward with faith, unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Simply Beautiful—Beautifully Simple
By Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

“Finally, let me share a beautiful example of uniting families for eternity. Lydia from Kharkiv, Ukraine, first learned about the temple from the missionaries. Immediately, Lydia felt a fervent desire to attend the temple, and after her baptism, she began preparation to receive a temple recommend.
Lydia attended the Freiberg Germany Temple to receive her endowment and then spent several days doing proxy work there. Following the dedication of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple, Lydia attended the temple more frequently. She and her husband, Anatoly, were eternally sealed there and later called to serve as temple missionaries. Together they have found more than 15,000 names of ancestors and have worked to provide temple ordinances for them.

When asked about her feelings regarding temple work, Lydia says, “What did I receive in the temple? I have made new covenants with God. My testimony has been strengthened. I have learned to receive personal revelation. I am able to perform saving ordinances for my deceased ancestors. And I can love and serve other people.” She concluded with this very true statement: “The Lord wants to see us in the temple often.”

Covenant Daughters of God
By Jean A. Stevens
First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency

“Katya, a dear sister in Ukraine, has a deep love for the temple. Before the temple in Kyiv was built, she and others in her branch sacrificed to travel 36 hours on a bus to attend the temple once a year in Germany. These devoted Saints prayed, studied scriptures, sang hymns, and discussed the gospel as they traveled. Katya told me, “When we finally arrived at the temple, we were prepared to receive what the Lord had to give us.”

A Witness of God
By Elder Neil L. Andersen
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Some governments have restricted the work of missionaries, leading our noble members to show even greater courage in being “witnesses of God at all times and in all … places.”
Nadezhda from Moscow often gives others a copy of the Book of Mormon in a gift box with lots of candy packed around it. “I tell them,” she said, “that it is the sweetest gift I could possibly give them.”

Shortly after being baptized in Ukraine, Svetlana had the impression to share the gospel with a man she frequently saw on the bus. When the man got off at his stop, she asked, “Would you like to know more about God?” The man said, “Yes.” Missionaries taught Viktor, and he was baptized. He and Svetlana were later sealed in the Freiberg Germany Temple.

Freiberg Germany Temple
© Carl V Larson. All rights reserved.


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