March 4, 2024

The Betrayer of Joseph Smith in Missouri, George M. Hinckle

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The Latter-day Saints experienced problem after problem while in Missouri. It seemed like nothing was going to work out for the Saints in Missouri. One of the reasons problems kept coming was the attack from within the Church. There were multiple people who would profess to be Latter-day Saints and turn their backs on their neighbors. It was a purifying time for the members of the Church. One of the worst betrayers of the Latter-day Saints was a man named George M. Hinkle. He is known by Church Historians as the "Benedict Arnold" of Church History.

George M. Hinkle was the colonel of the Mormon militia in 1838. Hinkle had dark motives and desiring the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith made a secret deal to hand over Joseph Smith with other leaders to the Missouri Mob. Hinkle expected the Prophet Joseph Smith to be killed, and he would have been if Alexander Doniphan would not have stopped it. It was through this arrest that the Prophet Joseph Smith was sent to Liberty Jail.

George Hinkle did not stop at the arrest of Joseph Smith, but on the SAME DAY he turned Joseph into the Missouri Mob, George Hinkle went to the home of Joseph and Emma to kick her Emma and her children out of the home. George Hinkle went onto take Joseph and Emma's household belongings, furniture, books and clothing. Hinkle also took Joseph's horse, saddle and bridle.

Emma and her children ran to a friends house, and George Hinkle went to find her there and threaten her again! Demanding Emma needed to "leave the country."

What a terrible human George Hinkle was, and this gives insight to the terrors experienced by Emma and Joseph and so many other families during the Missouri era. George Hinkle thought Joseph was going to die and he did not need to worry about the repercussion from his actions. Well, we know Joseph did not die in Liberty Jail. Joseph went onto sue George Hinkle for the stolen items, he was awarded 200$ for the horse and bridal.

George Hinkle was excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Quincy, Ill., in March 1839.


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