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History of Emma Smith’s Hymn Book

Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was known for being highly intelligent, kind, giving and very capable. In the 1800’s women had few rights in society and were not allowed to vote in any elections. Although, it was common for women to excluded from important meetings and decision, this was not the […]

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Pioneer woman, Laura Clark Phelps-Helping her Husband escape from Missouri Jail

Prisoners of Siege of Far West Laura Clark Phelps, and early member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, lived in Far West Missouri. The people of Missouri clashed with the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Problems escalated on October 31, 1838 when the members of the Church […]

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“Who’s on the Lord’s Side?” By Hannah Last Cornaby

The beloved Hymn “Who’s on the Lord’s side” was written by the pioneer woman, Hannah Last Cornaby. Hannah lived an extraordinary life with the struggles, heartaches, with happiness and even miracles. Hannah was able to see the Lords hand through her hardships. She was able to have patience in her sufferings and teach people how […]

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Get to know Emma Hale Smith

To listen on Spotify click here:https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/krystine-stephenson/episodes/Get-to-know-Emma-Smith-Church-History-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints-e2knuej Emma Smith was born in Harmony Pennsylvania, in Susquehanna County on July 10, 1804. She is the daughter or Isaac Hale and Elizabeth Lewis. Emma grew up in very prosperous circumstances. Lucy Mack Smith(Joseph’s mother) described Emma’s childhood home as a “mansion” with “every convenient appendage necessary.” Emma was […]

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