October 30, 2023

Orson and Marinda Hyde Home

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The Orson and Marinda Hyde home is the first stop on the Apostles Home Tour. The Hyde home is on the corner of Hyde and Hotchkiss Street.

Orson was born in 1805 and was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ in 1831. Three years after his baptism he married Marinda N Johnson in 1834. One year after his marriage, Orson Hyde became one of the original Apostles of the Restoration of the gospel, called in 1835.

One of the most amazing things about the Orson and Marinda Hyde Home is that the Saints of the Church built this beautiful home for the Hyde Family. Thinking of the time, work and dedication of the Saints to help the Hyde family get their own home, while their father is serving the Church is a beautiful lesson in sacrifice.

In 1841, Orson Hyde served a three year mission. During his mission he dedicated the Holy Land for the return of the Jews.

Orson Hyde gave the dedicatory prayer at the public dedication of the Nauvoo Temple on May 1, 1846. Orson went on to serve as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 27 years, the longest anyone has served in this capacity.


"Sacred Places, Ohio and Illinois" by LaMar C. Berrett, Keith W. Perkins and Donald Q. Cannon p. 156 Sacred places book

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